Kingston Point was the site of the 2017 Cornell CAD Studio. Building on concepts and strategies explored in the CAD Studio, this project will evaluate sea level rise scenarios and assess their implications for the City and the larger Hudson River estuary ecosystem. Key findings and potential climate adaptation measures with graphic materials and exhibits will be shared with the community at large to promote outreach, education and awareness.
The project will develop an overall plan with engineering concepts that balances opportunities for ecological health, resiliency and recreation. Through additional engagement with relevant stakeholders, a demonstration project with the most immediate value and feasibility for the City will be identified for preliminary design. Some examples of possible demonstration projects include:
1) the creation of living shorelines and incorporation of habitat restoration and management paired with interpretive and educational programs between the Hutton Brickyards and the public beach;
2) the development of an engineering design that will utilize the beach as a sea level rise adaptation device while enhancing natural habitats and park programming opportunities; or
3) the management and habitat restoration of the tidal wetlands, which would incorporate an interpretive raised trail system connecting other areas of the park.
Depending on the development of the project, the preliminary design may be a combination of various elements. The preliminary design will provide the necessary design, engineering, and permitting documentation for the City to finalize and subsequently construct the design.