Climate Smart and Green Jobs Community Pledge
Click here to view the Climate Smart and Green Jobs Community Pledge document.
In October 2009, the City of Kingston’s Common Council demonstrated its commitment to environmental and climate protection by adopting the “Climate Smart and Green Jobs Community Pledge” and becoming a “Climate Smart Community”. As a Climate Smart Community, the City of Kingston partners with New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (NYSDEC) and New York State Energy Research and Development Authority (NYSERDA) as well as 99 other municipalities throughout New York State to address climate change at the local level.
Kingston’s pledge outlines ten steps the Climate Smart and Green Jobs Community Task Force and the City of Kingston will undertake to combat climate change:
- Pledge to combat climate change by becoming a Climate Smart Community
- Set Goals, Inventory Emissions, Move to Action
- Decrease Energy Demand for Local Government Operations
- Encourage Renewable Energy for Local Government Operations
- Realize Benefits of Recycling & Other Climate Smart Solid Waste Management Practices
- Promote Climate Protection Through Community Land Use Planning
- Plan for Adaptation to Unavoidable Climate Change
- Green Innovation Strategy
- Inform and Inspire the Public
- Commit to an Evolving Process