The Snow Emergency and parking restrictions will remain in effect until 11:00am on Monday, January 20. All vehicles must remain off-street or on the even side until 11:00am Monday. 


The City of Kingston, NY

    Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY

    Kingston, dating to the arrival of the Dutch in 1652, is a vibrant city with rich history and architecture, was the state's first capital, and a thriving arts community. City Hall is in the heart of the community at 420 Broadway, and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except July & August (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  Come tour our historic City, with restaurants that are among the region's finest, and local shopping that promises unique finds.

    Historic Churches

    Kingston is home to many historic churches. The oldest church still standing is the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Kingston which was organized in 1659. Referred to as The Old Dutch Church, it is located in Uptown Kingston. Many of the city's historic churches populate Wurts street (6 in one block) among them Hudson Valley Wedding Chapel is a recently restored church built in 1867 and now a chapel hosting weddings. Another church in the Rondout is located at 72 Spring Street. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 1849. The original church building at the corner of Hunter Street and Ravine Street burned to the ground in the late 1850s. The current church on Spring Street was built in 1874.

    Kingston, NY

    Kingston became New York's first capital in 1777, and was burned by the British on October 13, 1777, after the Battles of Saratoga. In the 19th century, the city became an important transport hub after the discovery of natural cement in the region, and had both railroad and canal connections.

    Kingston, NY

    The town of Rondout, New York, now a part of the city of Kingston, became an important freight hub for the transportation of coal from Honesdale, Pennsylvania to New York City through the Delaware and Hudson Canal. This hub was later used to transport other goods, including bluestone. Kingston shaped and shipped most of the bluestone made to create the sidewalks of New York City.


    Contact Us

    City Hall Address:
    420 Broadway
    Kingston, New York

    (845) 331-0080
    [email protected]

    Kingston News

    5/14/2020 - City of Kingston Enters Phase 2 of Economic Recovery Plan


    May 14, 2020


    City of Kingston Enters Phase 2 of Economic Recovery Plan,

    Temporary Layoffs Instituted through July 31


    KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steve Noble has announced the second phase of the City of Kingston Economic Recovery Plan will go into effect starting Monday, May 18. Mayor Noble presented details of Phase 2 to the Common Council at its Finance and Audit Committee meeting on Wednesday, May 13. 

    Phase 2 of the plan includes temporary layoffs of 10 part-time and 9 full-time staff through July 31, 2020 across eight City departments, including the Assessor’s Office, Building Safety, City Clerk’s Office, Civil Service, Comptroller’s Office, DPW, Parks & Recreation, and the Waste Water Treatment Plant. Per an agreement with CSEA, impacted employees will retain their medical and other benefits during the layoff period. Layoffs will predominantly affect positions whose duties have been curtailed or restricted as a result of COVID-19.

    “We have worked hard over the years to place the City in a strong fiscal position, which has allowed us to weather the initial financial impact of this pandemic.” said Mayor Noble. “Now is the time to make hard decisions to overcome this unprecedented challenge and embark on our path to economic recovery. To date, we have been able to maintain all essential City services, but the full extent of the pandemic’s impact has not yet been realized. It is critical that over the next few months we continue to exercise strong fiscal oversight and advocate with our federal representatives for funding for Kingston and its sister cities across the country.” 

    Due to the necessity for local businesses to close in compliance with NYS PAUSE and to protect the health and safety of Kingston residents, the City has collected significantly less sales tax revenue than budgeted in 2020. The first two sales tax payments received this week are down 27% (March) and 38% (April) from 2019. Additional income sources such as investment interest, parking revenue, fees, permits and others will also be impacted. With available data, the City Comptroller, John Tuey, is now projecting that the City of Kingston will have revenue decreases between $4,00,000-$6,000,000.

    Mayor Noble has already implemented departmental budget cuts, a hiring freeze, overtime pay reductions, and the allocation of $1.6 million from the City’s Fund Balance. The temporary layoffs are expected to save the City approximately $75,000 in payroll expenses. At the end of July, the Mayor and City Comptroller will have updated data on the extent of overall revenue losses. If revenues continue to decline and the federal government does not announce a financial relief package for states and local governments, the City will need to consider permanent layoffs and potential service reductions. 

    “The challenges we are facing, while unprecedented, are not unique to Kingston,” said Mayor Noble. “I am in regular contact with municipal leaders across our region to share data and best practices and advocate for the federal funding we need during this difficult time.” 

    Mayor Noble will continue to provide regular updates to the Common Council and public on the progress of the City’s recovery efforts.