June 30, 2020
Parking Lot Paving
Completes Forsyth Park Improvements
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is
pleased to announce the City of Kingston will be completing the Forsyth Park
Improvements project with construction and paving in the Forsyth Park
playground and tennis courts parking lots.
Paving is the final component of the
project, which was funded by New York State Office of Parks, Recreation and
Historic Preservation (OPRHP) and completed the Forsyth Park playground,
Kinderland 2. Paving preparations are being completed by the Kingston
Department of Public Works and the parking lot paving and construction work
will be done by Callanan Industries this week, weather permitting. On the day
of paving, the sections being paved will be closed, and will be clearly marked
with cones and no parking signs.
The Forsyth Park Improvements
project was awarded in December 2014 for upgrades to the playground and
tennis courts, which have already been completed, and paving of the parking
lots and access road.
“This final
component of the Forsyth Park project allows us the opportunity to make needed
improvements to long-neglected informal parking areas of one of our most
popular parks, and closes out a long-standing grant affording us future
opportunities for funding through OPRHP that have been previously limited. This
new formal parking will be a far safer and clearer system for park users and
will be much easier for us to maintain,” said Julie Noble, Project Manager
and the City’s Environmental Education and Sustainability Coordinator.
“This is great
news. Forsyth Park is one of our greatest assets in Uptown and I’d like to
thank this administration and especially the personnel at DPW for all their
work to make this happen, said Jeffrey Ventura-Morell, Alderman Ward 1.
“We’ve all been eager to see the Forsyth
Park project be completed. These improvements are much needed and will provide
a more safe and user-friendly parking lot for all visitors,” said Lynsey
Timbrouck, Recreation Director.
Funding for this project is
from a New
York State Office of Parks, Recreation and Historic Preservation (OPRHP) grant
in the amount of $304,354.00, with a $197,629.00
match from the City of Kingston.