November 13, 2020
The City of
Kingston Adopts the Open Space Plan
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is
pleased to announce that the Open
Space Plan has been adopted in the City of Kingston.
On November 10, the Common Council
unanimously voted to adopt the Open Space Plan, a 10-year strategy for the
responsible stewardship and preservation of our City's natural resources. The
Open Space Plan identifies Kingston's resources that help to improve water
quality, reduce flood damage, maintain wildlife habitats, improve air quality,
protect scenic resources, and other community benefits.
The Open Space Plan recommends several
ambitious actions:
• 5,000 additional linear feet of public
access created along the Hudson
• 500 additional acres of permanently
protected land in the uplands along the Hudson
• 1,000 new street trees planted
• 5,000 additional linear feet of public
access secured along the Rondout
• 60 additional acres of permanently
protected land in the uplands along the Rondout
• 2,500 linear feet of compromised urban
stream corridor restored to a more natural condition
• 10 new community gardens established in
city neighborhoods
• 50 acres of farmland and natural areas
protected along the Esopus
• 1 new neighborhood park created in
Midtown area
“I am thrilled that the City of Kingston
adopted the Open Space Plan, which will be a guidebook for how we take our
natural resources into account in every aspect of City growth for the next 10
years,” said Mayor Noble.
“Making conservation a priority in our
community leads to healthier residents, additional economic growth, and an
overall increase in quality of life.”
“The City and the Kingston Conservation
Advisory Council began working on the development of the Natural Resources
Inventory back in 2011,” said Julie Noble, Environmental Education &
Sustainability Coordinator. “With robust public input and engagement, I am
proud of the process we have completed to pave the way for the Open Space Plan.
With the exceptional work of John Mickelson of Geospatial and Ecological
Services, and the team at Behan Planning and Design, and with the support and
technical assistance from the NYS DEC Hudson River Estuary Program, we have an
Open Space Vision for our City. I want to thank the Common Council for their
support in adopting this vision into the City’s Comprehensive Plan, really
demonstrating the value of open space for the future of Kingston.”
“Adopting the Open Space Plan is an
important step in utilizing our resources to meet longstanding goals for our
wonderful City,” said Lynsey Timbrouck, Director of Recreation. “Thank you to
all who worked hard to see this through. This strategy will no doubt enhance our
community for a better tomorrow.”
By adopting this plan, the City pledges to
take these actions into account in all plans and projects, acknowledges these
goals will benefit current and future generations, and work toward
implementation. More info at: