November 23, 2021
Pedestrian Safety
Action Plan Project is Now Completed
Improvements at Six
Key Intersections
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is
pleased to announce that the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan project is now
The Pedestrian Safety Action Plan project
improved pedestrian safety at six crosswalk intersections across the City:
Joy's Lane at
Municipal Stadium Road
Broadway at
Broadway at
Delaware Avenue/Yosman Towers
Broadway at Andrew
North Front at
Crown Street
Albany Avenue at
Maiden Lane
Previously, these intersections had high
pedestrian traffic and were found to be at greater than average risk for
crashes. This project installed ADA compliant curb ramps, curb extensions, high
visibility crosswalks, high visibility signage, rectangular rapid-flashing
beacons, and pedestrian signal countdown timers. Engineering Consultants from
Creighton Manning LLP created final design with construction by A. Colarusso
& Son. Construction began in July 2021 and was delayed slightly due to
supply chain issues.
“The City continues to make investments to
improve the walkability of our neighborhoods, which means upgrading our
sidewalks, roads, and intersections to increase pedestrian safety. These
improvements will reduce the potential for pedestrian crashes and help ensure
that anyone crossing these busy roads can do so safely,” said Mayor Noble. “We
are grateful for this grant from the NYSDOT to help us improve six crucial
intersections across the City.”
The total project cost was $530,000, and
was fully funded by a grant from the New York State Department of
Transportation's Pedestrian Safety Action
Plan Program with no local match.
More information can be found at: