February 8, 2022
City of Kingston
to Hold Additional Rezoning Public Meetings
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is
pleased to announce that City of Kingston staff and consultants from Dover,
Kohl & Partners, will host additional public engagement meetings for the Kingston
Forward rezoning initiative, which will focus on three areas:
the Hurley and Albany Avenue corridors and the Rondout Waterfront.
Four additional events from February
23-26, will further inform proposed updates to the zoning code and will gather
the community’s input and vision for future preservation and development in
these three key areas. An online survey is also now open at Engage Kingston.
“We have had robust public engagement for
the rezoning efforts, and we thank everyone who has participated. Our
consultants and City staff are diligently working on the zoning code re-write
and will have a draft to present to the public this spring,” said Mayor Noble.
“We now want to focus on a few areas that haven’t received as much attention in
the process so far. We want the community’s input for how future improvements
on Hurley and Albany Avenues and the Rondout Waterfront can reflect the
community’s priorities and vision. Join our upcoming events and let us know
your thoughts.”
Get a Kingston Forward update and provide
input on the vision and potential zoning standards at one or all of the
following events:
Hurley and Albany
Avenues Virtual
Public Meeting
February 23, 2022 at 6:30pm
to join
Rondout Waterfront
Virtual Public
Thursday, February
24, 2022 at 6:30pm
to join
Albany Avenue Area
Walking Tour
(weather permitting)
Saturday, February
26, 12:00pm
to register
Rondout Waterfront
Area Walking Tour
(weather permitting)
Saturday, February
26, 2:00pm
to register
There is also an online
survey available, which will help shape the draft code.
For more information and tour start
locations, please visit