The Snow Emergency will continue into tomorrow. Vehicles must remain off-street or on the odd side overnight on Friday, February 25.
Vehicles should be moved to the EVEN side of the street (or off the street, if possible) at 7:00AM tomorrow, Saturday, February 26.
Thanks to great cooperation & compliance of no parking along Snow Emergency routes, DPW was able to clear these routes quickly. Parking on both sides of Snow Emergency routes WILL be allowed this weekend. For all other roads, DPW will continue to plow and clear.
The Snow Emergency will end at 5:00PM on Saturday, February 26.
Vehicles not in compliance with these parking restrictions will be ticketed and towed.
City Services:
-Trash and recycling WILL NOT be picked up on Friday or Saturday.
- Please note: trash and recycling was delayed one day this week due to the holiday on Monday. If your trash day is normally Thursday, your pick-up is cancelled this week. Please put your bins out on your normal day next week. There will be no fines or violations for additional trash next week.
- Please remove your trash bins and brush piles from the road to make way for plows.
- All parking lots and meters are suspended on Friday & Saturday.
Additional Snow Emergency info can be found here: