April 7, 2022
Virtual Public Hearing for Citywide Rezoning SEQR Scoping
to be Held on April 21, 2022
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the City of Kingston will host a virtual public hearing regarding Kingston Forward’s SEQR scoping on Thursday, April 21 at 6:00pm.
As part of Kingston Forward, the City of Kingston is in the process of adopting a new form-based code, which will prescribe the form of development citywide. Because of the potential for significant environmental impact, the adoption of the zoning code will require an environmental review in accordance with New York State’s State Environmental Quality Review Act (SEQR) regulations. The Common Council will serve as the lead agency and has made a positive declaration of environmental significance.
Virtual Public Hearing Citywide Rezoning SEQR Scoping
Thursday, April 21, 2022
Registration is required. To register, click here.
*Meeting will be live-streamed and recorded for posting on EngageKingston
In addition to the public hearing, the Common Council is now accepting public comment on the scoping process to define any potentially significant adverse impacts associated with the adoption of the zoning code that should be addressed in the draft Environmental Impact Statement. A draft of this scoping document is available here.
Written comments will be accepted until May 2, 2022. Comments can be submitted to Bartek Starodaj c/o Kingston City Hall, 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY 12401 or [email protected].
“Updating a long-outdated zoning code can provide transformational change to a community,” said Mayor Noble. “By transitioning to a form-based code, we are moving the City forward for many generations to come. We know from research that form-based code encourages revitalization, promotes affordable housing, helps small businesses, promotes walkability, and preserves a community’s uniqueness. We are excited to bring this project to fruition, which will spur equitable growth for our entire City.”
“This public hearing is the first step in ensuring that the adoption of the form-based code conforms to New York’s SEQRA regulations,” said Bartek Starodaj, Kingston’s Director of Housing Initiatives. “I encourage residents to attend the virtual meeting to learn more about the scoping process and provide input on the environmental issues the City should be considering plus potential alternative actions to a citywide rezoning.”
The current zoning code, which has not been updated since the 1960s, causes confusion, frustration, litigation, red-lining, and arbitrary regulation. Mayor Noble began citywide rezoning efforts in late 2018, with a call for members of a Zoning Task Force to begin the process of updating the City of Kingston’s outdated zoning code. The task force worked to create an RFP for the hiring of a consultant to create a form-based code. In 2021, the Common Council authorized the City of Kingston to hire a consultant, and Dover Kohl and Partners were selected. The Dover Kohl team has been engaging with the community and data collecting since October 2021, and is expected to deliver a draft code in the next few weeks. Once a draft is released, additional public meetings will be announced to solicit public feedback.
More information on the City’s rezoning efforts can be found at