June 7, 2022
Elmendorf Bridge Repairs Complete, Bridge Re-opens
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the Elmendorf Bridge repairs have been completed, and the bridge has reopened to the public.
“We are pleased to announce the Elmendorf Bridge reconstruction is now completed, the detours have been removed, and the bridge is now reopened for public use.” said Mayor Noble. “We thank residents for their patience during the construction, and look forward to having the Elmendorf Bridge safely back in use for the community. ”
“I wish to thank the staff of DPW and the Engineering Department, who responded quickly when the old bridge was found to be unsafe,” said City Engineer John Schultheis. “I also wish to thank the staff of KS Engineers and A. Colarusso and Son for their work in designing and constructing the replacement bridge and for delivering a quality project that will be an asset to the City for many years to come.”
Weekly roadwork updates can be found here: