July 27, 2022
Open Call for Art Submissions Has Been Extended
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce the City of Kingston’s Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs will extend the submission deadline for artwork for a 2022 City Hall exhibition entitled, Kingston Revealed.
For the Kingston Revealed exhibition, artists are invited to submit work that celebrates and visually represents the significant contributions made by African Americans, Indigenous Peoples, Latinos, LGBTQ, and/or women to the City of Kingston throughout history. Selected works will be displayed on the Ground Floor Gallery at City Hall from October through December, with an opening reception on Saturday, October 1, 2022.
“The idea behind the Kingston Revealed exhibition is to highlight and amplify the myriad contributions made by Black, Indigenous, Latinx, and LGBTQ persons or movements to Kingston,” said Mayor Noble. “We are looking for artwork that helps us to include historically marginalized voices and incorporate their impact on our community into the telling of our City’s history. I encourage all artists and makers in our community to submit their works that speak to this moment of recognition and reconciliation.”
Artwork in response to the theme Kingston Revealed can be submitted via the online application or by submitting a printed application to the Department of Arts and Cultural Affairs, 420 Broadway, Kingston, NY, 12401 by September 1, 2022 at 4:30pm. Artists will be notified by September 12, 2022. Accepted work must be delivered to the Department of Art & Cultural Affairs no later than September 19, 2022.
Submissions must include the following to be considered:
Image of the work
A short bio and contact information
A brief description of the work and how it fits the Kingston Revealed theme
In addition to the exhibition, the City of Kingston has spaces available in municipal buildings to permanently display artwork and may select pieces from amongst those submitted for Kingston Revealed. Artists whose works are selected for permanent display will receive $750. Funding will come from the American Rescue Plan Act allocated in the Arts & Tourism category. Artists who submit work for the Kingston Revealed exhibition must indicate on the application form if they would like to be considered for permanent display.
The application can be found at Additional information on submission requirements is available at