Issued August 29th, 2022
In preparation for the 21st Annual Hooley on the Hudson, held on Sunday, September 4th, and in the interest of
assuring the safety of all residents and visitors to this area, certain traffic restrictions will be in effect.
Therefore, I, Steven T. Noble, Mayor of the City of Kingston, by the power vested in me by the Charter of the
City of Kingston declare:
There will be no parking on the following streets/areas on Sunday, September 4th, 2022, from 4am until
midnight on Monday, September 5th, 2022:
Abeel Street from Broadway to Wurts Street- both sides;
Post Street from Abeel Street to West Union Street- both sides;
Broadway from Spring Street to East Strand- both sides;
West Strand from Broadway to Dock Street;
Dock Street from Broadway to the West Strand Parking lot;
Dock Street Parking lot- first six rows.
East Strand from Mariner’s Harbor to the Maritime Museum- both sides;
Parking lot under bridge by the Hudson River Cruises.
From 4:00am Sunday, September 4
th, 2022 to midnight Monday, September 5
th, 2022, there will be No
Parking on the right side of Garraghan Drive from Broadway to Koenig Boulevard/Route 9W to allow
shuttle busses to discharge and pick-up patrons who will be attending this event. The shuttles will also
be stopping at the entrance to the Hudson Valley Maritime Museum lot.
The following streets will be closed to traffic on Sunday, September 4
th, 2022, from 8:00am to midnight:
Broadway from Spring Street to East Strand;
West Union Street from Post Street to Broadway;
Dock Street from Broadway to West Strand Parking lot;
East Strand from Broadway to the Maritime Museum.
In addition, there will be No Parking in the first row of parking spaces in the municipal lot under the
bridge for setting up stages for entertainment during the event. Also, the Kingston Trolley will be allowed
to operate up to the main entrance of the Maritime Museum.
Steven T. Noble