October 18, 2022
City of Kingston Rent Guidelines Board to Host Series of Public Meetings
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble and the Department of Housing Initiatives are pleased to announce a series of public hearings and meetings for the newly established City of Kingston Rent Guidelines Board.
The City of Kingston adopted the Emergency Tenant Protection Act (ETPA) in July, which is being overseen by the City’s Department of Housing Initiatives in coordination with New York State’s Division of Housing and Community Renewal (HCR). Per the HCR, following the City’s adoption of the ETPA, a local Rent Guidelines Board was established. Members include Noah Kippley-Ogman (Chair), Diana Lopez Martinez, Mie Inouye, Michael Brown, Anthony R. Tampone, Tara A. Perry, Michael Tierney, and Carol Soto.
The Board will hold a series of public hearings and meetings to gather input that will inform two decisions:
- The guideline rates of rent adjustments, if any, for leases subject to the ETPA
- The guidelines for fair market rent appeals (FMRA) for buildings covered by ETPA
Mayor Noble said, “The Rental Guidelines Board members are highly qualified and are prepared to process the public’s testimony before making an informed decision. I encourage all residents who are interested to speak at the public hearings and have your voice be heard.”
Public hearings will be held on Tuesday, October 25, 2022, at 6:00pm in Council Chambers at City Hall, and Saturday, November 5, 2022, at 12pm at the Kingston Public Library. At both hearings, the Board will hear testimony from the public concerning how the Board should determine the guideline rates of rent adjustments, if any, for leases subject to the ETPA, which commence between August 1, 2022, and September 30, 2023, and guidelines for fair market rent appeals for apartments within the Board’s jurisdiction.
Written public testimony can be emailed to [email protected] until November 5.
Director of Housing Initiatives Bartek Starodaj said, “I encourage both tenants and property owners to testify before the City of Kingston Rent Guidelines Board. Testimony will directly inform the decisions that the Rent Guidelines Board will be making in November that will impact each of the 63 buildings in Kingston now covered by ETPA.”
The Kingston Rent Guidelines Board will deliberate over the public testimony and will vote at a Public Meeting on Wednesday, November 9, 2022, at 6:30pm in Council Chambers at City Hall. If necessary, the Board will hold an additional Public Meeting on Monday, November 14 at 6:30pm.
For more information and a list of eligible rental properties, please read this fact sheet. For additional information about the implementation process and resources in Spanish, see
Kingston Rent Guidelines Board Public Hearing #1
Tuesday, October 25, 2022
City Hall, Council Chambers
420 Broadway Kingston, New York 12401
Kingston Rent Guidelines Board Public Hearing #2
Saturday, November 5, 2022
Kingston Public Library
2nd Floor Community Room
55 Franklin Street Kingston, New York 12401
Kingston Rent Guidelines Board Public Meeting
Wednesday, November 9, 2022
City Hall, Council Chambers
420 Broadway Kingston, New York 12401
ETPA Background
Earlier this year, the City of Kingston surveyed properties built before 1974 with six or more rental units to determine how many apartments are vacant, how many are occupied, and how many are vacant but not available to rent. According to the survey data, Kingston has a net vacancy rate of 1.57% for this class of rental properties. Based on the results, Kingston was eligible to declare a housing emergency and opt into the New York State ETPA. The rental protections under ETPA can only be applied to buildings constructed prior to 1974 with six or more units. The full vacancy report and methodology can be found here.
Department of Housing Initiatives
Mayor Noble established the Department of Housing Initiatives in 2020 to support housing planning in the City of Kingston. The Department manages housing-related grants, supports the construction of new market-rate and affordable housing, develops policies to protect existing residents, and addresses the connection between housing and sustainability, health, and mobility. The Department also reviews the disposition of city-owned property suitable for housing development and collaborates with local and regional housing organizations. Current projects include city-wide rezoning efforts, the redevelopment of 615 Broadway, the Tiny Homes Project, Good Cause Eviction, short-term rental guidelines and more. Visit