November 10, 2022
Common Council Sub-Committee to Begin City-wide
Redistricting Process
KINGSTON, NY –The City of Kingston, like other municipalities, must redraw current ward maps to align with 2020 Census data on local population changes. Under the City’s Charter, the Common Council must undertake this redistricting process to make the nine wards more equitable. The Common Council President has created a Redistricting Sub-Committee, with council members Barbara Hill (Chair), Rita Worthington, and Michael Olivieri serving.
The Redistricting Sub-Committee will hold a virtual informational meeting on Thursday, November 17 at 4:00pm to educate the public about the redistricting process and provide a timeline for the release of draft ward maps, two public hearings, and final Common Council approval.
Redistricting Informational Meeting
November 17, 2022
Virtual only
Join via Zoom here.
Passcode: c7FY0S1E
Alderwoman Barbara Hill, Redistricting Subcommittee Chair said, “This redistricting process may mean that you may not be voting in the same Ward as you have been the last ten years. The population in some areas has changed, and the new map will distribute voters in an equitable way.”
Federal law, including the Voting Rights Act, and new the John R. Lewis Voting Rights Act of New York, State law, guide the redistricting process and require the Common Council to avoid creating districts that deny or abridge minority voting rights. Applicable statutes also impose requirements on how the Common Council configures ward boundaries and requires new maps to protect “communities of interest.” The City’s new maps may not be drawn to discourage political competition or for the purpose of favoring (or disfavoring) particular candidates or political parties.
The Common Council expects to vote on the final maps on Tuesday, February 7, 2023.
More information at