January 17, 2023
Community Preservation Plan Final Draft Released
Public Meeting to be Held on January 19, 2023
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the final draft of the Community Preservation Plan is now available.
The Community Preservation Plan (CPP), which will guide future investments in our City’s natural, cultural, and recreational resources, identifies priorities for resource protection including the preservation of historic places, expansion of public access to the waterfront, preservation of natural areas, expansion of the recreational trail system, among other similar goals. The CPP will refine and advance our existing Open Space Plan by identifying priority areas for future preservation.
A Public Meeting will be held on Thursday, January 19 at 6:00pm to review the CPP draft, accompanying maps depicting the proposed prioritization of lands within the community.
“We are pleased to release the final draft of the Community Preservation Plan and look forward to hearing from the public regarding this important plan,” said Mayor Noble. “I encourage anyone who is interested in public access to water resources, recreational opportunities, protecting natural ecosystems, and scenic views, and preserving historic sites to get involved in this process!”
In 2019, the Community Preservation Act was amended by NYS to include Ulster County, which offers the City of Kingston an opportunity to protect open spaces and natural resources, our environment and community character. The law allows communities to develop a reliable, ongoing source of funding without increasing annual property taxes for residents which will support parks, trails, lands conservation, and historic preservation.
This project has been funded in part by a grant from the New York State Environmental Protection Fund through the Hudson River Estuary Program of the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. A Project Advisory Committee is providing guidance on the project in collaboration with City staff and a consulting team led by Behan Planning and Design with Upstate GIS.
Community Preservation Plan Public Meeting
Thursday, January 19, 2023
City Hall
More information can be found at