March 9, 2023
Pedestrian & Bicycle Master Plan Draft is Released
Public Meeting to be Held March 13, 2023
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the City of Kingston has released a draft Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan (PBMP). The plan will inform the City’s efforts to improve conditions for non-motorized transportation users, reduce vehicle congestion and emissions, and support a culture of health across the community.
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan includes an inventory and analysis of current road conditions, streetscape recommendations and toolkit, programmatic and education suggestions, and funding sources for implementation. City staff and consultants from Barton and Loguidice will present the Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan draft at an in-person public informational meeting on March 13, 2023, at 6:00pm at City Hall. Live Spanish interpretation will be available.
“This vital planning document will be used to identify future transportation improvements, potential design treatments, funding opportunities, and programmatic initiatives – all of which are tools to make our streets safer for all users,” said Mayor Noble. “We are committed to continuing our efforts to make Kingston streets safer through engineering, education, enforcement, and evaluation. This draft brings all of these efforts together in a cohesive plan that will be referenced for all future engineering projects.”
“I’m excited to take these recommendations and work toward implementing them. We now have a planning document specifically for active transportation users --walkers and cyclists-- that we can use to prioritize projects,” said PBMP Project Manager Emily Flynn, the City of Kingston’s Director of Health & Wellness. “This planning document includes a toolbox and set of recommendations that the City can reference when streetscapes are created or redesigned. City staff will use these and continue to work collaboratively to improve road safety.”
Comments on the draft PBMP plan will be accepted until April 14 and can be made via an online form here, or emailed to [email protected].
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan has been funded in part by the Climate Smart Community Grant Program, Title 15 of the Environmental Protection Fund through the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation. Additional funding has been provided by the Creating Healthy Schools and Communities grant program from the NYS Department of Health.
More info at
The Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan is another step in Mayor Noble’s ongoing efforts to create a safe walkable and bikeable City. This plan builds on completed and current projects that include safety features such as improved intersections, signals and sidewalks, including the Broadway Streetscape Project, Broadway Grand Intersection Improvements Project, the Franklin Street Complete Streets Project, the Pedestrian Safety Action Plan Intersection Project, the upcoming Henry Street Safe Routes to School Project, among many others.