March 31, 2023
Mayor Noble Announces Next Round of ARPA Community Events Awards
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce the next round of APRA Community Events Grant Program awards for a total of $35,000 across four community groups.
The second round of ARPA Community Events Grant program funding was awarded to the Hudson Valley Current ($5,000) for the Open Table: Spring into Sharing event in May; Voice Theatre, Inc. ($5,000) for Youth Speak Matters, a youth theater show in July 2023; and the Clinton Avenue Methodist Church ($5,000) for the Third Annual Midtown Spanish Independence Celebration in September 2023.
The Center for Creative Education received $20,000 for the following events: Black Artivist Experience, Hispanic Heritage Festival, Spread Love Thanksgiving and Women’s Experience.
“We are thrilled to get another round of ARPA funding directly into the community to support these events,” said Mayor Noble. “As we all know, Kingston is a city of events, which have been a draw to our area and a source of community pride and unity. Our goal with this program is to support as many local events and festivals as possible, and I encourage community groups to apply for this funding.”
Bryant Drew Andrews, Executive Director at Center for Creative Education said, “As an arts and human services organization, we are excited to receive this funding, which will allow us to expand our reach and impact in the Kingston community. This funding not only supports our organization, but it also recognizes the importance of the arts in promoting well-being, uplifting the voices of the community and creating positive social change. CCE is grateful for the opportunity to empower individuals through our mission of enriching, the social and cultural awareness of our youth and community through Arts wellness an education.”
“This Community Events grant will allow the Hudson Valley Current to invite the community into our community kitchen at Tilda's Kitchen & Market to enjoy good music and food all day long," said Chris Hewitt, Executive Director of Hudson Valley Current. “We chose a Latin theme for the music and food to highlight the rich cultural traditions that are alive in the heart of Kingston.”
Shauna Kanter, Artistic Director at Voice Theatre said, “The ARPA Community Events grant makes it possible for Voice Theatre to grow and flourish in Kingston as we serve our community!”
“ARPA funding offers Kingston groups the opportunity to turn ‘schemes into dreams’ through special event funding for community celebrations like the annual Midtown Spanish Independence Celebration held in September,” said Joy MacVane, Lead Pastor of the Clinton Avenue Methodist Church.
The 2023 Community Events Grant Program is made possible with Federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The City has allocated $375,000 to support local events occurring in 2023 as part of city-wide pandemic recovery efforts.
Nonprofit groups and businesses located within City limits are eligible to apply for up to five events per year at up to $5,000 per event, for a total of up to $25,000 per organization. Events must be free and open to the public. Events must take place in 2023, and must have either previously taken place prior to 2020, or if new, not duplicate pre-existing events and focus primarily on youth and families as the target audience. Preference will be shown to applications for events that focus primarily on youth and families as well as those that draw audiences from diverse backgrounds.
Funding is available for events taking place through the end of December 2023. Grant applications will be accepted through Friday, November 1, 2023. The last eligible event date is December 31, 2023.
More information, a list of eligible expenses, and the application can be found at: