June 12, 2023
Mayor Noble Announces Citywide ADA Curb Ramp Project Has Begun
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce that the Citywide ADA Curb Ramp Project has begun. The bid was awarded to Callanan Industries, Inc. and construction will begin in June.
The Citywide ADA Ramps Project will install 136 ADA-compliant curb ramps at intersections and crosswalks throughout the City of Kingston. The project is expected to begin on June 26, and be completed by November 2023.
Curb ramps will be installed Uptown on N. Front, Main Street, Pearl Street and Elizabeth Street; in Midtown on Stephan Street and Clifton Ave, and Downtown on McEntee, Walnut, Hunter and Abeel Streets. A map of the locations for the ADA-compliant curb ramps can be found here.
“This project will improve the safety of our streets and provide much-needed access for all mobilities across the community,” said Mayor Noble. “I want to thank the City Engineering staff who conducted research, did the design work and will see this project to completion.”
The Citywide ADA Ramps Project is funded with the City of Kingston’s American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) funding and the City’s NYSDOT CHIPS allocation.