August 24, 2023
Mayor Noble Announces Next Round of ARPA Community Events Grant Funding
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble is pleased to announce the next round of APRA Community Events Grant Program awards for a total of $30,000 across six community groups.
The seventh round of ARPA Community Events Grant program funding has been awarded to:
Love Hair Salon ($5,000) for their 4th Annual Fantasy Hair Show at Hutton Brickyards on August 26;
Beyond the 4 Walls Outreach Program ($5,000) for 6th Annual Back to School Event on August 27;
Christ Everlasting Fire & Deliverance Ministry, Inc. ($5,000) for Back-to-School Bookbag Giveaway on Sept. 2;
Mainetti & Mainetti ($5,000) for their Kingston Car Show on September 16;
Rewind Kingston ($5,000) for the Go All in for Mental Health festival on September 23;
TMI Project ($5,000) for Voices in Action on September 28;
Tia Ashe of Love Hair Salon said, “Love Hair Salon is very grateful to be awarded an ARPA Community Events grant from the City of Kingston for our 4th Annual Fantasy Hair Show this year. Over the past years it’s been a struggle funding the hair show out of our small business. Although it is a strain, each year we have continued do so out of our love to create as artists, collaborate with other local businesses, and bring something exciting and inspiring to our community. This year’s show will be extra special and a not-to-be-missed event due to the support of the ARPA grant.”
Gregory McCollough, Founder and Executive Director of Beyond the 4 Walls said, “Beyond the 4 Walls outreach program would like to thank the City of Kingston for the ARPA events grant to help with our back-to-school event. Working together for the good of the community is always welcomed. Looking forward to working together again soon. Once again thank you for your support. It's greatly appreciated.”
Pastor Janine Thomas of Christ Everlasting Fire And Deliverance Ministry, Inc. said, “Christ Everlasting Fire And Deliverance Ministry, Inc. is grateful for receiving the ARPA Community Events Grant award for our Back-to-School event. We thank Mayor Noble and the ARPA program for helping us help to the community.”
Mainetti & Mainetti Partners Michael and Alex Mainetti said, “On behalf of Mainetti & Mainetti and KUBA, we would like to say congratulations to all the award recipients of the Kingston ARPA Events Grant! Mayor Noble and the City of Kingston have enabled annual events to flourish and new events to be created, making Kingston a better City in which to live, play, and work.”
Joanne Flood, owner of Rewind Kingston said, “Rewind Kingston is so excited to receive the ARPA grant to continue our Go All In for Mental Health campaign in the heart of Midtown! We are planning a music and art street festival that promotes mental health while providing information by collaborating with local Midtown businesses and mental health organizations. Our goal is to raise awareness to the mental health crisis that faces our youth and provide information of the services and tools that exist in our community. Thank you, Mayor Steve Noble, ARPA team, and our amazing community for the continued support of a cause that is so close to our heart.”
Eva Tenuto, TMI Project, Executive Director, Co-Founder said, “TMI Project is thrilled to receive this support from Mayor Noble and the ARPA Community Events Grant Program for Voices in Action, our annual award ceremony and storytelling showcase. This is our biggest event of the year and 2023 will mark the return of Voices in Action after a three-year hiatus due to the pandemic. Our entire community is looking forward to a night of mixing and mingling, hearing true stories, and honoring local changemakers. Laganja Estranga, drag and trans activist and contestant on Ru Paul’s Drag Race will receive this year's Voices in Action award and will grace us with a performance as well. We're grateful for the support to bring it all together!”
The 2023 Community Events Grant Program is made possible with Federal funding from the American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA). The City has allocated $375,000 to support local events occurring in 2023 as part of city-wide pandemic recovery efforts.
Nonprofit groups and businesses located within City limits are eligible to apply for up to five events per year at up to $5,000 per event, for a total of up to $25,000 per organization. Events must be free and open to the public.
Events must take place in 2023, and must have either previously taken place prior to 2020, or if new, not duplicate pre-existing events and focus primarily on youth and families as the target audience. Preference will be shown to applications for events that focus primarily on youth and families as well as those that draw audiences from diverse backgrounds.
Funding is available for events taking place through the end of December 2023. Grant applications will be accepted through Friday, November 1, 2023. The last eligible event date is December 31, 2023.
More information, a list of eligible expenses, and the application can be found at: