September 8, 2023
Mayor Noble Announces September Paving Projects
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble and the Superintendent of Public Works are pleased to announce the next round of paving will be:
Hooker Street from Lincoln Street to First Avenue
Moore Street from First Avenue to Second Avenue
Szymanski Street from Third Avenue to the dead end
Milling is expected to begin on Monday, September 18, with paving on Thursday, September 21 and Friday September 22, 2023, weather depending.
“As the weather continues to cooperate, we will continue to get roadwork and paving projects completed through the fall,” said Mayor Noble. “Next month we will be working in coordination with Central Hudson to get Uptown streets repaired and paved, during a time that will be least disruptive to local businesses in the area. We will be announcing more paving projects in the coming weeks.”
“As always, please be mindful of our DPW staff working in the streets as they continue to improve the condition of our local roads and infrastructure,” said Ed Norman, Superintendent of Public Works.
For a weekly roadwork update, visit
For more information on City of Kingston paving projects, visit