December 15, 2023
Mayor Noble Announces Cooper Lake Dam Improvement Project Completion
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steven T. Noble and the Board of Water Commissioners are pleased to announce that the Water Department’s Cooper Lake Dam Project has been completed.
The Cooper Lake Dam project, which was done under a Project Labor Agreement and was estimated to cost $20 million, is now expected to be under budget at about $18 million. The improvements bring the dam at the reservoir into compliance with updated DEC regulations with a new water supply intake tower, new outlet works, new metering chamber and controls, a new spillway and energy dissipation structure, raising and flattening of the slope of the main dam, and leveling of the 1,500 feet long West Dike.
“I am pleased to announce that the Cooper Lake Dam project is now complete, is under budget, and the reservoir now meets New York State DEC highest standards,” said Mayor Noble. “We are proud of our pristine water and, with these improvements, have undertaken the costliest capital project in the Kingston Water Department’s history in order to keep our water at the highest quality for our residents.”
Water Board President Dennis Croswell said, “The Board of Water Commissioners is pleased that this two-year project to upgrade the Cooper Lake Dam and its supporting infrastructure is complete, and that it will ensure that the City of Kingston residents continue to enjoy the highest quality of water. Although this project was the costliest capital improvement project in the Department’s history, it is but one of many projects that the Water Department has undertaken in the last several years to maintain our water supply to the level that residents have come to expect.”
Water Department Superintendent Matt Dysard said, “The completion of this project marks a major achievement for the Department. The improved infrastructure is significant for our goal of ensuring the continued supply of high-quality water to the residents of Kingston. I would also like to thank Schnabel Engineering and Thalle Construction for their efforts in the design and construction of this project.”
The City of Kingston was awarded a $3 million Water Infrastructure and Improvement Act (WIIA) Grant for the project in April 2022. Cooper Lake Dam was the first project in New York State to receive Drinking Water State Revolving Loan Fund (DWSRF) funding for Dam/Reservoir Rehabilitation under the Environmental Protection Agency’s Class Exception. The project was also awarded $100,000 through the FEMA High Hazard Potential Dam Grant (HHPD).
With the completion of the project and lower water levels during construction no longer necessary, the reservoir level will be increased to full capacity and the Drought Alert has ended.
More information on the Kingston Water Department at