The Snow Emergency remains in effect on Sunday, February 9. All vehicles must be moved to the odd side of the street at 7:00am. The Snow Emergency and parking restrictions will be lifted at noon on Sunday. 


The City of Kingston, NY

    Welcome to the City of Kingston, NY

    Kingston, dating to the arrival of the Dutch in 1652, is a vibrant city with rich history and architecture, was the state's first capital, and a thriving arts community. City Hall is in the heart of the community at 420 Broadway, and is open from 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., except July & August (9 a.m. to 4 p.m.).  Come tour our historic City, with restaurants that are among the region's finest, and local shopping that promises unique finds.

    Historic Churches

    Kingston is home to many historic churches. The oldest church still standing is the First Reformed Protestant Dutch Church of Kingston which was organized in 1659. Referred to as The Old Dutch Church, it is located in Uptown Kingston. Many of the city's historic churches populate Wurts street (6 in one block) among them Hudson Valley Wedding Chapel is a recently restored church built in 1867 and now a chapel hosting weddings. Another church in the Rondout is located at 72 Spring Street. Trinity Evangelical Lutheran Church was founded in 1849. The original church building at the corner of Hunter Street and Ravine Street burned to the ground in the late 1850s. The current church on Spring Street was built in 1874.

    Kingston, NY

    Kingston became New York's first capital in 1777, and was burned by the British on October 13, 1777, after the Battles of Saratoga. In the 19th century, the city became an important transport hub after the discovery of natural cement in the region, and had both railroad and canal connections.

    Kingston, NY

    The town of Rondout, New York, now a part of the city of Kingston, became an important freight hub for the transportation of coal from Honesdale, Pennsylvania to New York City through the Delaware and Hudson Canal. This hub was later used to transport other goods, including bluestone. Kingston shaped and shipped most of the bluestone made to create the sidewalks of New York City.


    Contact Us

    City Hall Address:
    420 Broadway
    Kingston, New York

    (845) 331-0080
    [email protected]

    Kingston News

    2/7/2025 - Weekly Roadwork Update: Week of February 10, 2024

    Weekly Roadwork Update

    Week of February 10, 2025

    Central Hudson–main replacement will continue on Marius Street, Donovan Place, Arts Circle, Josephine Avenue, and Washington Avenue between Donovan Place and Elizabeth Street with possible lane changes and/or closures.

    Service replacements will continue on Marius Street, Donovan Place, Arts Circle and Josephine Avenue.

    Archtop Fiber– one crew will be in the area of Flatbush Ave and E Chester St again. They will finish on Grant, then move to Lincoln and Hutton St. A second crew will move onto Golden Hill Dr, Hamilton St, Amy Kay Pkwy, Condie St, S Pine St, Greenkill Ave, S Clinton Ave, S Prospect St, Klingberg Ave, Petit Ave and Washington Ave. Please be aware that final restorations will pick up in the spring.


    Week of February 3, 2025

    Central Hudson– main replacement will continue on Marius Street, Donovan Place, Arts Circle and Josephine Avenue with possible lane changes and/or closures. Service replacements on Marius Street, Donovan Place, Arts Circle and Josephine Avenue will continue.

    Archtop Fiber– one crew will be in the area of Flatbush Ave and E Chester St and will then move to Tammany, Hutton, Grant and Lincoln St. A second crew will continue on South Wall St heading north towards Greenkill Ave.

    Post Office Park– the ping pong table was installed this week.


    Week of January 28, 2025

    Central Hudson– gas main replacement will continue on Marius Street, Donovan Place, Arts Circle and Josephine Avenue with possible lane changes and/or closures.

    Service replacements on Marius Street, Donovan Place, Arts Circle and Josephine Avenue will begin when gas main installation is complete.

    On Monday, one lane will be closed with flaggers and alternating traffic on Washington Ave. between Linderman Ave and Marius St. for gas main installation.

    Archtop Fiber– crews have slowed down due to the frigid temperatures. Work will pick back up next week, weather permitting. One crew will in the area of Flatbush Ave. and E. Chester St. They will wrap up Gage St. and move to Tammany, Hutton, Grant and Lincoln St. A second crew will continue in the Rondout area. They will wrap up on W. O’Reilly St as well as the north end of Hudson St. From there they will continue onto S. Wall St. and Hampton St.

    Post Office Park– amenities are still being added, including a ping pong table expected to be installed next week.

    Active work on Prospect Street, Clinton Avenue, or ADA ramps projects is expected to be on hiatus until spring.


    Week of January 21, 2025

    Central Hudson– main replacement will take place in the area of Donovan Pl, Josephine Ave, and Marius St. 

    Archtop Fiber-- one crew will be near Flatbush Ave and E Chester St., wrapping up Gage St and moving to Tammany St. Additional work to be scheduled in the area placing cables to wrap up the project.

    A second crew will continue in the Rondout area, wrapping up on Garraghan Dr and starting on W O’Reilly St. From there they will continue onto S Wall St.

    Active work on Prospect Street, Clinton Avenue, or ADA ramps projects is expected to be on hiatus until spring.


    Week of January 13, 2025

    On Wednesday, January 15, the following roads will be closed:

    Clinton Ave will be closed from Franklin St to St James St. for a private sewer repair.

    Gage Street will be closed from Farrelly St to Foxhall Ave. for private water service work.

    West O'Reilly Street will be closed from Marys Ave to Wilbur Ave. for drainage improvements and a road repair. Local traffic and access to the hospital entrance will be allowed.

    Post Office Park is open to the public. The fencing is down and most work is complete with only punch list items left to do.

    Prospect Street— ongoing waterline and sidewalk and curb work on Prospect Street, near the St. James and Cornell intersection.

    Archtop Fiber— one crew will be near Flatbush Ave and E Chester St. Farrelly St, Emerick St, Gage St, Grant St, Tammany St and Hutton St. Additional work to be scheduled in the area placing cables to wrap up the project.Second crew will continue in the Rondout area. They will start on Spring St, Garraghan Drive, Gallo Drive, Van Dyke Lane, Broadway, and W O’Reilly St.

    Central Hudson— gas main replacement will continue on Noone Lane, Donovan Pl, and Josephine Ave with possible lane changes and/or road closures.


    Week of January 6, 2025

    Prospect Street-- sewer and storm work is continuing on Prospect Street at St. James. Prospect Street will be local traffic only. St. James will be open with one-way flagger operation at times.

    Post Office Park-- in the next week or so, the construction fences will be coming down while additional amenities like benches, bike racks, and trash/recycling receptacles get installed.

    Central Hudson— next week, crews will be working on gas main replacement work on Noone Lane.   

    DPW will be doing regular maintenance and pothole repairs.


    Week of December 30, 2024

    Prospect Street sewer project-- sewer and storm drain work in the Prospect Street/St. James intersection will continue this week with one-way flagger operation expected at times.

    Archtop Fiber— work to start back up after the new year with one crew moving near Flatbush Ave and E Chester St. then Florence St, Emerick St, Gage St, Grant St, Tammany St and Hutton St.

    Crew 2 will be back to work on Elizabeth St and Marius St once locates clear.

    Crew 3 will begin working in the Rondout area. They will start on Hudson St, Spring St, German St, Ridge St, Meade St, Ravine St and Hunter St.

    Central Hudson-- no work is scheduled for Monday-Wednesday. There is a possibility of some gas main work on Thursday and Friday in the Marius St/Donovan Pl/Josephine Ave neighborhood.


    Week of December 23, 2024

    St. James Street from Broadway to the Keegan Ale lot from Monday, December 23 to Friday, December 27. This road closure is for underground work associated with the Prospect Street sewer project.

    Wurts Street Bridge-- a bridge closure for work on the lighting on Monday, December 23, 2024, 7:00am – 11:00pm, or as needed.

    N. Wilbur—road closure Thursday, December 26, weather permitting for tree removal on N. Wilbur between Pine and Henry.

    Post Office Park-- sod has been installed at Post Office Park. Work will continue into the New Year. 

    Central Hudson—no work next week.

    Archtop Fiber-- crews are not trenching through the end of the year, and will focus on repairs and restorations, as needed.


    Week of December 16

    Clinton Avenue Improvements Project -- small areas of concrete sidewalk will be placed early in the week, mainly near the Albany/Pearl/Clinton intersection.

    Prospect Street sewer project --
    St. James Street between Clinton Avenue and Broadway will be closed to through traffic 7:00am to 7:00pm each day Monday, December 16 to Friday December 20 for sewer and storm drain installation.

    Access to local businesses including Camp Kingston, Keegan Ales, People’s Place and Lynch Auto Parts will be via the closed portion of St. James Street (local traffic only). See detour plan which will utilize Maiden Lane and Liberty Street for detour.

    Central Hudson --
    service replacements will continue on Washington Ave.

    Post Office Park-- construction continues with bluestone decorative elements and solar lights are being installed.

    Archtop Fiber-- work with continue on Ringtop Rd, Valentine Ave, Wilkie Ave and Overlook Dr. Another crew will be on Emerson Street, then moving to Main St, Johnston Ave and Lounsbury Pl soon. Crew 3 will be back to work on Elizabeth St and Marius Street, then heading toward Glen St and Josephine Ave. Crew 4 will begin working on Chapel Street, then move onto S. Wall St and W O’Reilly St from there.

    Week of December 9

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– signal work at the intersection is continuing. New signals may be activated late next week.

    Central Hudson– service replacements will continue on Washington Ave.

    Prospect Street sewer project– partial paving planned for Wednesday, December 11. Water line work near Cedar and Prospect, and sewer/storm and sidewalk/curb work is proceeding on Prospect near St. James Street.

    Archtop Fiber-- trenching will continue on Burgevin and Lindeman, then move in the direction of Valentine Ave, Wilkie Ave. and Overlook Dr. Another crew will return to Emerson St, Main St, Lafayette Ave and Janet St, and then move to Washington Ave, and Joys Ln near Lucas Ave soon. Another crew will be trenching on Elizabeth St and Marius St, then moving to Glen St and Josephine Ave. 


    Week of November 25

    Wall Street & Main Street- starting on Monday, there will now be a stop sign on Main Street at the intersection of Wall Street. This new stop sign creates and all-way stop at the Wall & Main Street intersection.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– signal work continues next week. Roadway painting/striping was delayed due to weather. Possible striping next week, weather permitting. 

    From 8:00am to 11:00am on Monday, November 25, DPW will close John Street & Clinton Avenue for sewer work.

    Central Hudson– gas service replacements will continue on Greenkill Avenue, and South Prospect, South Clinton and Barman Avenue with possible lane closures and/or road closures.    Gas main work may occur on Greenkill Ave, N Wilbur Ave, Pine St, S. Pine, Fair St, Wall St. S. Wall St with possible lane closures.

    Central Hudson will be doing a gas service reconnect on Monday at 314 Wall StreetFull road closure is not expected, but flaggers will be in place.

    Archtop Fiber– trenching will begin on Grandview Ave, Main St, Mountainview Ave and Pearl St. A second crew will likely be scheduled to begin next week on Emerson St, Main St, Lafayette Ave and Janet St. A third crew is expected to start in the Washington Ave, Elizabeth St and Marius St.Prospect

    Street sewer project– work continuing between Liberty and St. James. 

    Post Office Park— berms have been created, trees have been installed, and shrubs and perennials have been placed for planting next week. After landscaping, signs, benches, and solar lights will be installed. 

    ADA Curb ramps project has wrapped for 2024.


    Week of November 18

    Clinton Avenue-- signal work is continuing. Final Striping is planned for Wednesday night starting approximately 9:00pm. Street signs and red pavement marking is planned for Friday, November 22.

    Prospect Street Sewer project-- partial paving is planned for Tuesday, November 19.  Sewer, drainage and sidewalk work are continuing between Liberty and St. James.

    ADA Curb Ramps project is complete for 2024.

    Post Office Park- plantings, including trees and shrubs, are being installed.

    Central Hudson-- service replacements will continue the week of on Greenkill Avenue, and South Prospect, South Clinton and Barman Avenue with possible lane closures and/or road closures.          


    Week of November 11

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– paving is complete. Traffic signal work may be in progress next week. Remain alert for workers and flaggers. Project completion is expected by late December

    Central Hudson– gas main installation will continue on South Clinton Ave, Marius St, Josephine Ave, and Donovan Pl. Gas service replacements will continue on Pine St, Greenkill Ave, and South Prospect/South Clinton neighborhood.

    ADA Curb ramps– crews will be completing their final intersections at Clinton Avenue and Maiden Lane and St. James Street. 

    Prospect Street sewer project– work is continuing on new curbs and sidewalks. Work is continuing for underground sewer and storm drain replacement between Liberty and St. James. Paving may occur on part of the street next week. Road is generally closed during daytime except for local traffic. Saturday work is also planned.

    Post Office Park— concrete art pedestals were created this week. Next week trees and shrubs will be planted. 


    Week of November 4

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– for paving next week, Albany Avenue from Maiden Lane to Clinton Ave will be closed from Monday through Thursday, November 4-7, from 6:00am to 6:00pm.

    Clinton Avenue in the northwest bound direction will be closed from Maiden Lane to John Street.

    Traffic heading west from the I-587 roundabout will be directed left onto Maiden Lane to detour toward Wall Street. One-way southeast bound traffic will remain open on Clinton Ave from Schwenk Drive straight-only through the Albany Ave intersection to Maiden Lane. All eastbound traffic on Pearl Street will be directed right onto Clinton Ave toward Maiden Lane.

    Access to Clinton Avenue from John Street and Westbrook Lane will be limited access only to serve the businesses on Clinton Avenue and the Governor Clinton Building that are within the work zone for the asphalt paving operation.

    Related parking restrictions will be in effect on Maiden Lane, Wall Street, Pearl Street and Albany Ave.

    A reminder that Uptown Coffee and other local businesses in the construction area are still open!

    Central Hudson–main installation will continue onPine St, Greenkill Ave,and/or S Prospect Stwith expected lane and/or road closures.Service replacements and/or restoration work will continue onPine Street and N Wilbur Avewith possible lane closures and/or road closures.

    ADA Curb ramps – construction will continue with the installation of ADA ramps along Maiden Lane and St. James St. It is anticipated that work will be completed in November.

    Prospect Street sewer project–work is continuing between Liberty and St. James.Road closed except local traffic.

    Post Office Park— crews created a concrete bench and decorative plinths. Top soil continues to be spread in preparation for landscaping


    Week of October 28

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– sidewalks are completed, and traffic is currently returned to two-way. Next week, electrical work for traffic signal and street lighting will occur. One-way operation may be in place at during work. Paving is tentatively scheduled for November 4–8.

    Please use the new sidewalks and visit Uptown businesses!

    Academy Green CDBG Park Amenities Installation—from Monday October 28 to Friday November 4, Academy Green Park will be closed for construction, including the removal of old benches and the installation of new benches and trash/recycling cans.

    Central Hudson– gas main installation will continue on N. Wilbur Ave, Pine St, and S. Prospect St with expected lane and/or road closures. Service replacements and/or restoration work will continue on N. Wilbur Ave with possible lane closures and/or road closures. Central Hudson paving restoration should be completed next week with the paving of Fair Street.

    Archtop Fiber– crews are working in the Clifton/Stephan/Florence/Hayes area with crews working on underground areas around Pearl and Washington St south towards Washington and Marius St.

    ADA Curb ramps– construction will continue with the installation of ADA ramps along Maiden Lane and St. James St. It is anticipated that work will be completed in November. Prospect Street sewer project– work is continuing between Liberty and St. James. Road closed except local traffic.

    Kingston Point Rail Trail– NYSDOT has completed painting the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail and the trail is now re-opened.

    Post Office Park— crews will be spreading topsoil and preparing landscaping features for the installation of trees and shrubs.

    Paving— paving on Smith Ave between Downs & O'Neil Streets, the intersection at Ardsley, and several driveway aprons will be completed on Monday. 


    Week of October 21

    Paving—the final round of 2024 paving will be Saint James Street from Green Street to 38 Saint James and Smith Avenue from Garden Street to Albany Avenue. Milling on St. James is scheduled to begin on Monday, milling Tuesday on Smith Ave. Paving is expected to being on St. James on Wednesday and Smith Ave on Thursday, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, October 25, weather depending.

    Central Hudson–
    service replacements will continue on South Pine Street with expected lane and/or road closures. Main installation will continue on South Pine Street with possible lane closures and/or road closures.

    ADA Curb ramps –
    construction will continue along Maiden Lane from Green Street to Clinton Avenue.

    This project includes 58 new ADA Ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James Street, and is anticipated to be completed in November.

    Prospect Street sewer project–
    sewer and storm installation are continuing between Liberty and St. James. Prospect Street remains closed except for local traffic. Curb and sidewalk restoration may start in this section next week also.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements–
    sidewalk and curb work continuing. One-way operation of Clinton Ave will continue. Work is continuing for underground electrical for street lights and traffic signals.

    Post Office Park—
    concrete amenities including a bench and art pedestals will be poured in the coming weeks. After that, soil, mulch, trees, perennials, and shrubs will be planted.

    Kingston Point Rail Trail–
    NYSDOT has closed the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail for painting. A detour is in place through October 25.


    Week of October 14, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– work is continuing in the Clinton/Albany intersection. Work will start on the west side of Clinton for new curb and sidewalks. Traffic pattern remains one way on Clinton from Westbrook to Albany Avenue. 

    Paving—the final round of 2024 paving will be Saint James Street from Green Street to 38 Saint James and Smith Avenue from Garden Street to Albany Avenue. Milling is scheduled to begin October 21 with paving to be completed by Friday, October 25, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson—service replacements will continue on South Wall Street with expected lane and/or road closures. Main installation will continue on South Wall Street and South Pine Street with possible lane closures and/or road closures. 

    Paving for Fair/Wall project area will begin on or around October 16. Crews will mill and pave on Warren and/or Linderman, and /or Wall Street.

    ADA Curb Ramps—crews will be on Cornell Street for final curb ramp restoration. Crews will also be on Shufeldt and Linwood for final restoration. Crews will begin ramp construction at the intersection of Maiden Lane and Green Street.

    This project includes 58 new ADA Ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James Street, and is anticipated to be completed in November.

    Prospect Street sewer project– sewer work continues between Liberty and St. James. No parking will be allowed on this section

    Post Office Park— concrete amenities including a bench and art pedestals will be poured in the coming weeks. After that, soil, mulch, trees, perennials, and shrubs will be planted. 

    Kingston Point Rail Trail – NYSDOT has closed the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail for painting. A detour is in place through mid-October. 

    In preparation for filming, from 6:30am to noon on October 15, there will be no on-street parking and Tremper Avenue will be closed between Elmendorf St. and Ardsley Street. Also during this time, there will be reserved parking in front of 77-85 Downs St.

    Week of October 7, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– work is continuing in the Clinton/Albany intersection. Work will start on the west side of Clinton for new curb and sidewalks. 

    Traffic pattern remains one way on Clinton from Westbrook to Albany Avenue. 

    Paving-- the final round of 2024 paving will be Saint James Street from Broadway to Green Street and Smith Avenue from Garden Street to Albany Avenue. Milling is scheduled to begin later in the week of October 15 with paving to be completed by Friday, October 25, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson—service replacements will continue on Fair St. between Henry St and Greenkill Ave. Gas main installation will take place on S. Wall St and S. Wall St and S. Pine St. with possible lane closures and/or road closures. 

    ADA Curb Ramps—construction will continue down Smith Avenue to Downs and Elmendorf intersections. Construction will begin on ramps at Shufeldt Street and Linwood Place. 

    This project includes 58 new ADA Ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James Street, and is anticipated to be completed in November.

    Prospect Street sewer project– sewer work continues between Liberty and St. James. No parking will be allowed on this section. 

    Post Office Park— construction has started again. Concrete amenities including a bench and art pedestals will be poured in the coming weeks. After that, soil, mulch, trees, perennials, and shrubs will be planted. 

    Kingston Point Rail Trail– NYSDOT has closed the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail for painting. A detour is in place through mid-October. 

    Week of September 30, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– sidewalk work is nearing completion on the north side of the street, with trees and plantings installed this week. Work will continue at the intersection for signal work. Construction will move to the south side of Clinton Ave for sidewalk work.

    Paving-- paving was completed this week on Maiden Lane and Furnace Street from Franklin Street to the dead end. The last round of 2024 paving will be announced soon.

    Central Hudson—Gas main installation will continue on Fair St between Henry St and Greenkill Ave. Service replacements will continue on Pine Street with expected lane and/or road closures. 

    ADA Curb RampsA—construction will continue along Smith Ave, completing the corners of Grand and Smith and then moving to Ardsley, Downs, and Elmendorf intersections. 

    This project includes 56 new ADA Ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James Street, and is anticipated to be completed in November.

    Prospect Street sewer project–sewer work is continuing from St. James to Liberty. This street will be open for local traffic only. 

    Post Office Park-- construction will start up again soon with site work to prepare for the installation of amenities and plantings.  

    Kingston Point Rail Trail – NYSDOT has closed the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail for painting. A detour is in place through mid-October. 

    Week of September 23, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– the north sidewalk is expected to be completed and opened early next week. Work will then move to the south side for new curb installation. Traffic direction will remain one-way. Work in the intersection of Clinton and Albany Avenues will also be ongoing.

    A reminder that Uptown Coffee and other local businesses in the construction area are still open!

    the next round of paving will be Maiden Lane from Albany Avenue to Green Street and Furnace Street from Franklin Street to the dead end. Milling is expected to begin Monday, September 23 with paving expected to be completed by Friday, September 27, weather depending.

    Central Hudson—
    service replacements will continue on Pine St with road closures and/or detours.

    Retirements for old gas pipe will be occurring throughout the project next week, crews will be working in multiple locations throughout the day.

    ADA Curb Ramps—
    construction will continue along Cornell Street at Ten Broeck Ave, Bruyn Ave and Tremper Ave. ADA Ramps will begin along Smith Ave at Grand St.

    This project includes 56 new ADA Ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James Street, and is anticipated to be completed in November.

    Prospect Street sewer project–
    sewer work is continuing from St. James to Liberty. This street will be open for local traffic only.

    Post Office Park--
    construction will start up again soon with site work to prepare for the installation of amenities and plantings.

    Kingston Point Rail Trail –
    NYSDOT has closed the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail for painting. A detour is in place through mid-October.


    Week of September 16, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– until September 26, there will be no right turn from Albany Avenue onto Clinton Avenue from 7:00am to 4:00pm on weekdays. Clinton Avenue through the work zone will remain open. This is being done in order to prevent traffic back-up into the roundabout. A reminder that Uptown Coffee and other local businesses in the construction area are still open!

    Paving-- the next round of paving will be Maiden Lane from Albany Avenue to Green Street and Furnace Street from Franklin Street to the dead end. Milling is expected to begin Monday, September 23 with paving expected to be completed by Friday, September 27, weather depending. 

    Central Hudson—crews we will working on Pine St to replace gas services. Please expect lane and or road closures in this area.

     ADA Curb Ramps—work continuing on Cornell at Tremper and will be moving to Cornell at Bruyn. Roadways remain open during construction. This project will include 56 new ADA ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James St. It is anticipated to be completed in November of 2024.

    Prospect Street sewer project–work continuing between St. James and Liberty. Road closed except local traffic.

    Post Office Park-- construction will start up again soon with site work to prepare for the installation of amenities and plantings.  

    Kingston Point Rail Trail– NYSDOT has closed the pedestrian bridge over 9W on the Kingston Point Rail trail for painting. A detour is in place through mid-October. 

    Archtop Fiber-- installation crews will remain on Clifton Avenue.


    Week of September 9, 2024

    Central Hudson—crews we will working on Pine St to replace gas services. Please expect lane and or road closures in this area. Restoration crews will be in the area of Warren St and Linderman Ave.

    ADA Curb Ramps—the citywide curb ramp project has restarted, beginning at Cornell Street and Ten Broeck. This project will include 56 new ADA ramps along Cornell St, Smith Ave, Maiden Ln, and St James St. It is anticipated to be completed in November of 2024.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements– curb and drainage work continuing with some impacts to Albany Avenue. Electrical/signal pole work also continuing. Uptown businesses remain open during construction and the contractor is working to ensure access to all affected homes and businesses.

    Prospect Street sewer project– work continues between St. James and Liberty Street. Road remains closed to through traffic with local traffic only. Some water service interruption may occur during the week of September 9. Advance warning to affected homes and businesses will be provided by flyers posted to front doors. Water service impacts may affect properties on St. James Street between Broadway and Clinton Avenue.

    Post Office Park-- construction will start up again soon with site work to prepare for the installation of amenities and plantings.  

    Kingston Water Department – on Tuesday September 10 and Wednesday September 11, KWD will be rebuilding manholes on N Manor at Albany Ave. N Manor Ave. between Albany and Manor Place will be closed during this work, and the northbound lane (away from Albany Ave) will remain closed overnight for the concrete to set properly.

    Archtop Fiber will be doing installation on Clifton Avenue starting Monday, September 9, starting at the intersection of Stephan and Clifton working their way north to Flatbush.



    Week of August 26, 2024

    Central Hudson-- Crews will continue service replacements on Wall St and Pine St this week.

    Paving— Paving was completed on Broadway from W. O’Reilly to McEntee.

    This week, paving will continue with Millers Lane on Monday, weather permitting. On Tuesday, paving on Heritage Court and Patriots Place. Cummings Ave will be paved Tuesday or Wednesday, weather permitting. Grandview is expected to be paved on Wednesday.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Project-- work is continuing along the corridor. Seek alternate routes. Flagger operations will continue.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project-- work is continuing between Liberty and St. James. Parking restrictions remain in effect.

    Post Office Park-- construction will start up again with site work to prepare for the installation of amenities and plantings.

    Wurts Street Bridge-- crews Will be working in the chambers filling cracks and addressing cracks on approach slabs. There will be lane closures with flaggers from Monday to Thursday. Testing of the lights may occur.

    Week of August 19, 2024

    Paving-- The tentative milling/paving schedule next week is, weather depending:

    Monday, August 19: Milling on Millers Ln, and paving on Patriots Place and Heritage Court.

    Tuesday, August 20: Milling on Broadway between West O’Reilly Street to McEntee Street, and paving on Grandview and Cummings.

    Wednesday, August 21: Paving on Millers Lane.

    Thursday and Friday, August 22-23: paving on Broadway between West O’Reilly Street to McEntee Street.

    Schedule subject to change.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Project--work on drainage, lamps, and push buttons for crosswalks continue. Construction of sidewalks will begin along Clinton Avenue and into John St.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project-- crews will continue with waterline replacement along Prospect Street.

    Wurts Street Bridge -- crews will be working in the chambers filling cracks. There should be minor or no traffic impacts. Testing of the lights may occur next week. 

    Central Hudson-- Crews will continue service replacements on Wall St and Pine St this week and next week. 


    Week of August 12, 2024

    Central Hudson-- Service replacements will continue on Wall St and Pine St with possible lane and/or road closures. 

    Paving-- Broadway from West O’Reilly Street to McEntee Street will be milled and paved. Milling is expected to begin the week of Monday, August 19 and paving is expected to be completed by Friday August 23, weather depending. During milling and paving operations, all vehicles must remain off the street. The Water Department will be repairing a manhole on Broadway at Stuyvesant St. on Monday in preparation of the paving. There will be a lane shift Monday into Tuesday. 

    Millers Lane from Lucas Ave to the city line, Grandview Avenue from Lounsbury Place to Millers Lane, Cummings Avenue, Patriots Place, and Heritage Court. Milling is scheduled to begin Friday, August 16 and continue through the following week, with paving being completed by Monday August 26, weather depending. 

    Cornell Street will be closed between S. Manor Avenue and Foxhall Avenue, effective immediately, until August 19, 2024. As we prepare for the final designs of our Flatbush/Foxhall Improvement Project, we are implementing a temporary traffic flow change. This will allow us to better understand proposed alternative routes and safety improvements. The study will inform the Safe & Accessible Flatbush and Foxhall project. For more on the Flatbush/Foxhall project, please visit Engage Kingston.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Project--work on drainage, lamps, and push buttons for crosswalks continue. Construction of sidewalks will begin along Clinton Avenue and into John St.

    Prospect Avenue Sewer Project-- crews will continue with waterline replacement along Prospect.


    Week of August 5, 2024

    On Saturday, August 3, Broadway will be closed for a few hours in the morning to continue the paving preparation. The road closure will be from Pine Grove to Foxhall first, then they will move to Broadway from Foxhall to West Chester.

    The rest of the paving preparations will happen next week. Milling on Heritage Ct. and Patriots Pl. will begin Friday, August 9. 


    From Monday, August 5 to Sunday, August 11, NYSDOT will be conducting bridge joint and header repairs on the southbound lane of Route 9W between the City of Kingston and Port Ewen. The work is expected to have one lane closed at a time, traffic will be impacted due to the lane closures.

    Due to the emergency repairs on the 9W Bridge, from August 5-7, there will be No Parking in the 17 parking spots directly under the 9W Bridge. After 6pm on August 7 and through August 23, there will be No Parking in 5 spaces at the northeast end of the abutment.

    Kingston Water Department will be repairing a manhole on Foxhall in preparation for the City’s paving of Broadway. Foxhall Ave will be closed Monday and Tuesday between Broadway and Hasbrouck Ave while work is being done. Overnight the north bound lane on Foxhall between Broadway and Jansen Ave will remain closed.

    Central Hudson-- service replacements will continue on Wall St and Pine St with possible lane and/or road closures. 

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Project--work on drainage, lamps, and push buttons for crosswalks continue. Construction of sidewalks will begin along Clinton Avenue and into John St.

    Prospect Avenue Sewer Project-- crews will continue with waterline replacement along Prospect.

    Paving-- the next round of paving is Millers Lane from Lucas Ave to the city line, Grandview Avenue from Lounsbury Place to Millers Lane, Cummings Avenue, Patriots Place, and Heritage Court. Milling is scheduled to begin Friday, August 16 and continue through the following week, with paving being completed by Monday August 26, weather depending. 

    During this same time frame, Broadway from West O’Reilly Street to McEntee Street will be milled and paved. Milling is expected to being the week of Monday, August 19 and paving is expected to be completed by Friday August 23, weather depending. During milling and paving operations, all vehicles must remain off the street. 



    Week of July 29, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Project: Storm drainage work continuing, with the roadway expected to be open during construction. Operation may be 1-way at times. Be alert for flaggers. 

    Prospect Avenue Sewer Project:  Underground utility work is continuing. The road will be open during construction. Be alert for workers and flaggers.

    Central Hudson— Crews will be working on Wall St and Pine St. On Monday, July 29, Linderman Ave. closed from Wall St. to Washington Ave. will be closed. 

    Paving -- the next round of paving is Millers Lane from Lucas Ave to the city line, Grandview Avenue from Lounsbury Place to Millers Lane, Cummings Avenue, Patriots Place, and Heritage Court. Milling is scheduled to begin Friday, August 16 and continue through the following week, with paving being completed by Monday August 26, weather depending. 

    During this same time frame, Broadway from West O’Reilly Street to McEntee Street will be milled and paved. Milling is expected to being the week of Monday, August 19 and paving is expected to be completed by Friday August 23, weather depending. During milling and paving operations, all vehicles must remain off the street. 


    Week of July 22

    Clinton Avenue Uptown Transportation Improvements Project will begin next week. Starting Monday July 22, Clinton Avenue from Albany Avenue to Main Street will be closed for sewer work.

    Southbound traffic should use Main Street to Fair Street to Pearl Street to bypass the work area. Northbound traffic should use Pearl Street to Wall Street to John Street to bypass the work area. In addition to using the detour, drivers are asked to avoid the area by seeking alternate routes to destinations. To access Kingston Plaza, I-587 is recommended.

    Paving - Augusta Street from West Chestnut Street to West Chester Street and West Chester Street from Broadway to Trenton Street were paved. 

    The next round of paving is: 

    - Millers Lane from Lucas Ave to the city line
    - Grandview Avenue from Lounsbury Place to Millers Lane
    - Cummings Avenue
    - Patriots Place
    - Heritage Court

    Milling for these five roads is scheduled to begin Friday, August 16 and continue through the following week, with paving being completed by Monday August 26, weather depending. 

    During this same time frame, Broadway from West O’Reilly Street to McEntee Street will be milled and paved. Milling is expected to being the week of Monday, August 19 and paving is expected to be completed by Friday August 23, weather depending. During milling and paving operations, all vehicles must remain off the street. 

    Prospect Street Sewer Project - expect delays and one-way operation on St. James at Prospect due to waterline construction in support of the Prospect Street Sewer project.

    Central Hudson-- crews will be working on gas service replacements on Pine Street the week of July 22. 

    Wurts Street Bridge-- there may be some work in the evening hours on the lights in addition to minor punchlist work. Waiting on material delivery to complete bollards and tower railing.

    Week of July 15

    Paving -- the next round of paving will be Augusta Street from West Chestnut Street to West Chester Street and West Chester Street from Broadway to Trenton Street. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, July 15, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, July 19, weather depending.

    Central Hudson-- Service crews will be working on Fair St and Furnace St. 

    Wurts Street Bridge - the bridge is now open but punchlist work will continue.


    Week of July 8

    Central Hudson-- Service replacements will continue the week on Fair Street and Furnace St. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    Paving -- Elizabeth Street was paved from Washington Avenue to Marius Street. Wall Street between Greenkill Ave and Elizabeth Street was completed.

    The next round of paving will be Augusta Street from West Chestnut Street to West Chester Street and West Chester Street from Broadway to Trenton Street. Preparation in the area has begun. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, July 15, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, July 19, weather depending.

    Wurts Street Bridge - the bridge is now open but punchlist work will continue with stone work and electrical.

    While work is being done on the access panels, the east sidewalk will be closed starting July 8, until work is completed. Traffic should pass through project without any issues. There may be a flagger at times to get trucks in and out of the work site.


    Week of July 1, 2023

    Central Hudson-- gas main installation/construction will be on hold for the week of July 1.

    Service replacements will continue the week of July 1 on Fair Street and Furnace St. Lane closures and/or detours are expected/

    Paving -- Elizabeth Street was paved from Washington Avenue to Marius Street. There will be a delay in paving the section of Wall Street between Greenkill Ave and Elizabeth St. Central Hudson will be mobilizing to do work in this area early next week, and then it will be paved immediately after.

    The next round of paving will be announced soon.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project - contractors will be performing survey operations on Prospect Street next week.

    Kingston Water Department – on July 1 and 2, KWD will be rebuilding manholes on N. Manor at Albany Ave. Manor between Albany and Manor Pl will be closed while the work is being done. And the southbound lane (towards Albany Ave) will remain closed overnight for the concrete to set properly. 


    Week of June 24, 2024

    Paving -- Elizabeth Street from Washington Avenue to Marius Street and Wall Street from Greenkill Avenue to Henry Street will be paved next week, weather permitting. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, June 24, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, June 28.

    Wurts Street Bridge-- work continues with touch-up paint, electrical work and testing lights. Lights may run one evening for testing a couple hours.

    Central Hudson--  gas main installation/construction will continue the week June 24 on Wall Street, Linderman Avenue, and Saint James Street. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction.

    Service replacements will continue on Fair Street. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    Post Office Park - continue preparing the site for plantings in September.


    Week of June 17, 2024

    Paving-- the next round of paving in 2024 will be Elizabeth Street from Washington Avenue to Marius Street and Wall Street from Greenkill Avenue to Henry Street. Preparation in the area has already begun. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, June 24, 2024, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, June 28, 2024, weather depending.

    Wurts Street Bridge-- NYSDOT has paved/striped Abeel Street at the bridge. 

    Central Hudson-- Gas main installation/construction will continue on Wall Street from Franklin Street to Henry Street, Linderman Avenue from Washington Avenue to Wall Street, Furnace Street, and Warren Place. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction.

    Service replacements will continue on Saint James Street and Fair Street. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    Central Hudson’s paving contractor will be restoring the following streets, starting Wednesday, June 19 or Thursday, June 20, weather depending. The schedule is subject to change. Each street will be posted 24 hours in advance of milling/paving.

    Day 1 – Levan Street

    Day 2 – Brewster

    Day 3 – Orchard Street (mill)

    Day 4 – Orchard Street (pave)

    Day 5 – Dietz @ Melvin

    Day 6 – W. Chestnut (mill)

    Day 7 – W. Chestnut (pave)

    Day 8 – New Street

    Day 9 – Montrepose

    Paving will be one lane – in the area where the trench was made-- as well as paving any other patches in the street area that they impacted.

    Post Office Park-- crews will continue preparing site for plantings in August/September.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project-- test pits with lane closures. Road will remain open to traffic during this work. 

    Clinton Avenue Uptown Transportation Improvements Project-- no construction work next week.



    Week of June 10, 2024

    Paving-- the next round of paving will be Elizabeth Street from Washington Avenue to Marius Street and Wall Street from Greenkill Avenue to Henry Street. Preparation in the area has already begun. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, June 24, 2024, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, June 28, 2024, weather depending.

    Central Hudson--gas main install/work will continue on Wall St - Franklin to Henry, Linderman Ave - Washington to Wall, Furnace St and Warren Street.

    Service installation will continue on St James St and Fair Street.  

    Post Office Park— crews will continue installing concrete structures, and will begin grading site for landscaping.

    Wurts Street Bridge— current work includes steel repairs, paint touch up, electrical work, striping and punch list items.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – no work this week.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project – no work this week.

    Clinton Avenue Improvements Project – no work this week.


    Week of June 3, 2024

    Wurts Street Bridge-- construction crew is scheduled to mill and pave Abeel Street on Friday, June 7, starting at 6:30am and continuing until work is completed.

    Central Hudson-- Gas main installations will continue on Wall Street, Warren Place, and Furnace Street. Service installations will continue on St James Street and Fair Street.  

    Post Office Park-- excavation work continues forming pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project-- the contractor will mobilize in June.

    Clinton Avenue Uptown Transportation Improvements Project -- due to additional sewer/stormwater work, project construction will not begin until early July.

    Traffic advisory: this weekend is Field and Supply at Hutton Brickyards, so traffic will likely to be backed up on Delaware. The beach and Rotary Park area will likely have limited parking. Approaching from North Street will be much easier than Delaware Ave. 

    Week of May 28, 2024

    Paving: this week, Delaware Avenue from Broadway to Hasbrouck Avenue, Jansen Avenue, Staples Street, and Susan Street were paved.

    The next round of paving is expected to be announced soon.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project - the contractor will mobilize in June.

    Wurts Street Bridge-- no construction work over the holiday weekend. Next week, work continues on various steel repairs, caulking and painting, electrical work, south slope prep, and preparation for the removal of the safe span and paving.

    Central Hudson-- Construction will continue the week of May 28 on Pine St and Fair St. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction.Service replacements will continue the week of May 28 on Saint James Street and Fair St. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    Kingston Water Department --will close Flatbush Ave from Farrelly to Clifton on Tuesday, May 28 starting around 8:00am to locate a leak. 

    Week of May 20, 2024

    Paving-- Roosevelt Ave between Albany Ave and Manor Place was paved.

    Next week, Delaware Avenue from Broadway to Hasbrouck Avenue, Jansen Avenue from Foxhall to East Chester Street, and Staples Street from Broadway to the dead-end will be milled and paved. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, May 20, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, May 24, weather depending.

    Post Office Park
    – excavation work continues forming pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project - the contractor will mobilize in June.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – crews will continue restoration along Pearl Street and Elizabeth Street and will begin demobilization from the staging area at South Sterling.

    Wurts Street Bridge- work continues with various steel repairs, caulking and painting, electrical work, and south slope prep. Painting work will continue over the weekend.

    Central Hudson- Construction will continue the week of May 20 on Furnace Street between Franklin Street and the dead end, and Center St between Furnace and Clinton. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction.

    Service replacements will continue the week of May 20 on Saint James Street Prospect Street to Pine St. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    Thomas Street will be closed from Broadway to Saccoman Ln. for most of the day on Tuesday, May 21 for a private sewer lateral replacement.


    Week of May 13, 2024

    Central Hudson: Construction will continue the week of May 13 on Fair Street between Franklin Street and Henry St and on Furnace St between Franklin St and the dead-end. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction.

    Service replacements will continue the week of May 13 on Saint James Street from Prospect Street to Clinton Avenue. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    ADA Ramps Citywide: crews will continue restoration along Pearl Street. The restoration of Pearl Street should be completed next week.

    Crews will continue construction of ramps along Elizabeth Street. It is anticipated that ramps on  Elizabeth Street will be completed and restoration will begin next week.

    Henry Street Streetscape Project: all remaining signage will be installed. Mulch will be laid around the trees. The final striping will be painted next week. To facilitate the street striping, there will be No Parking within 50 feet of the intersections on Henry Street next week.  

    Wurts Street Bridge – work continues with south tower repairs, various steel repairs, caulking and painting below bridge deck and at north tower, electrical work within chambers and south slope preparation. The bridge rail has been installed and trees and grass have been planted.

    Post Office Park – excavation continues to form pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads.

    Week of May 6, 2024 

    Post Office Park – work continues to excavate and form pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School project – striping of the road will be completed in the coming weeks. Final punch list items will be completed. 

    ADA Ramps Citywide – crews will continue to pour the curbs, ramps, and sidewalks along Pearl Street. Final restoration of the ramp on Pearl Street is expected to be completed on Pearl Street in one week.Once restoration on Pearl Street is completed, crews will begin excavation on the final ramps at Elizabeth Street and Washington Avenue and Elizabeth Street and Wall Street.

    Central Hudson: gas line replacement will continue on St James Street. Expect road closures and/or detours in areas of active construction. Service replacements will continue on Maiden Lane. Lane closures and/or detours are expected.

    From noon to 6:00pm on Saturday May 4, Henry Street will be closed between Broadway and Sterling Street for a Cinco de Mayo celebration.

    Upcoming paving: the second round of paving in 2024 will be Delaware Avenue from Broadway to Hasbrouck Avenue, Jansen Avenue from Foxhall to East Chester Street, and Staples Street from Broadway to the dead-end. Preparation in the area has already begun. Milling is expected to begin on Monday, May 20, with paving expected to be completed by Friday, May 24, weather depending.


    Week of April 29, 2024

    Post Office Park – work continues with excavating and pouring concrete for pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads. Please be advised that these walkways contain glow stone and that residents may observe a slight glow from the park. This is part of the design and presents no harm to the public.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School project – Paving and remaining tree planting is being completed on Friday, April 26. No work is planned for week of April 29. Striping is expected in the week of May 6.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – crews will continue excavating corners and pouring the curbs, ramps, and sidewalks along Pearl Street. Ramps on Pearl Street are expected to be completed in two weeks and then final restoration will begin. Restoration continues along Main Street.

    Central Hudson – Construction will continue next week on Saint James Street between Green Street and Prospect St. Expect road closures and/or detours in areas of active construction.

    Week of April 22, 2024

    Dietz Stadium - next week, water connection work at Hurley Avenue will begin. On Monday, April 22 and Tuesday April 23, the one-way section of Hurley Ave from the municipal parking lot to Washington Ave will be closed to traffic from 7:00am – 4:00pm.

    The municipal parking lot will be closed with no access for the week of April 22. The access point from Joy’s Lane will be re-opened and protected with additional fencing to allow two-way traffic to parking behind Berkshire Reality, Black Eyed Suzie’s, Manpower, Sunshine Smiles, and TD Bank.

    Post Office Park – excavation continues forming pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads. Please be advised that crews will be pouring slabs on Monday morning at 8:00am. There may be traffic delays due to flagger operations.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School project –crews will be replacing a collapsed storm line near the Sterling Street intersection, and continue to install curbs, ramps, and sidewalks at the Prospect Street intersection and at the Sterling Street and Cedar Street intersection. Next week, crews will be milling and paving the remainder of Henry Street. From April 22through April 24, Henry Street will be closed between Broadway and Clinton Ave between 6:00am and 6:00pm.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – crews will continue excavating ramps on Pearl Street, and will next pour the curbs, ramps, and sidewalks along Pearl Street. It is anticipated that the ramps on Pearl Street will be completed in the next two weeks and will crews will begin final restoration. Restoration work continues along Main Street.

    Central Hudson – Construction will continue on St. James Street between Fair St and Clinton Ave. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction. On Monday, St. James St. closed from Wall St. to Pine Street and Fair St. from Maiden Ln. to Franklin St. will be closed. 


    Week of April 15, 2024

    Post Office Park – excavation continues forming pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads.

    Henry Street Streetscape Project – crews will continue to install curbs, ramps, and sidewalks at the Prospect Street intersection and at the Sterling Street and Cedar Street intersection. A. Colarusso is tentatively scheduled to mill and pave the remainder of Henry Street the week of April 22.  

    ADA Ramps Citywide – crews will begin excavating ramps on Pearl Street for the following intersections: Pearl at Johnston Ave, Burgevin Street, Emerson St/Noone Lane, Washington Ave, Green Street, and Wall Street.

    Crews will pour the curbs, ramps, and sidewalks along Main Street. It is anticipated the ramps on Main Street will be completed the week of April 15, and then begin final restoration on Main Street will begin.

    Clinton Avenue Intersection Improvements – contractor will be performing underground investigations along Clinton Avenue. There shall be flagger operations with VMS boards.

    Central Hudson – gas main installation will continue on Maiden Lane between Clinton and Wall St, Fair St between Maiden Ln and Franklin St, Pine St, and/or Saint James St between Wall St and Clinton Ave. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction. On Monday, April 15, Fair Street will be closed from Pearl Street to Maiden Lane.

    Wurts Street Bridge – continued construction on South tower repairs, steel repairs and Bridge Rail installation, along with caulking and painting.



    Week of April 8,2024

    Post Office Park – work continues for excavating pathways, forming bench areas, and bicycle pads on the Millard lot.

    Henry Street Streetscape Project – crews are finishing up the project with the installation of curbs, ramps, and sidewalks at the Prospect Street intersection.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – crews will continue building ADA compliant ramps across the city, beginning with ramps along Main Street, Pearl Street and Elizabeth St.

    Central Hudson – gas line replacement work will continue on Maiden Lane between Clinton Ave and Wall St and Fair Street between Pearl and Maiden Ln. Expect road closures and/or lane closures in areas of active construction.


     Week of April 1, 2024 

    Clinton Avenue/Uptown Transportation Improvements Project: A public information meeting for the Clinton Avenue Uptown Transportation Improvements Project will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 from 5-7pm, at Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street. City staff, consultants, and contractors will be available to help answer stakeholder questions about project scope, maintenance of traffic and sidewalks during construction and more.

    The Clinton Avenue project will improve pedestrian access, traffic circulation, and key intersections within the Stockade Business District. The Albany/Clinton Avenue intersection will receive a replacement traffic signal, and the Clinton/Westbrook intersection will feature a new traffic signal. Sidewalk, curb, drainage, lighting, and paving improvements, along with landscaping, signage and striping improvements will be installed.

    Work is expected to begin in May and continue through the end of 2024.

    Post Office Park – crews will continue excavating, forming pathways, bench areas, and bicycle pads.

    Henry Street Safe Routes to School project – crews have mobilized to complete the project. Currently they are installing curbs, ramps, and sidewalks at the Prospect Street intersection.

    ADA Ramps Citywide – construction crew will begin mobilization to complete 32 ramps from last year’s project. The remaining ramps will be installed along Main St., Pearl St., and Elizabeth St.

    Central Hudson will be working on Maiden Lane, which will be closed from Clinton Ave. to Fair St. on Tuesday, April 2.

    Week of March 25, 2024

    Clinton Avenue/Uptown Transportation Improvements Project: A public information meeting for the Clinton Avenue Uptown Transportation Improvements Project will be held on Tuesday, April 2, 2024 from 5-7pm, at Old Dutch Church, 272 Wall Street. City staff, consultants, and contractors will be available to help answer stakeholder questions about project scope, maintenance of traffic and sidewalks during construction and more.

    The Clinton Avenue project will improve pedestrian access, traffic circulation, and key intersections within the Stockade Business District. The Albany/Clinton Avenue intersection will receive a replacement traffic signal, and the Clinton/Westbrook intersection will feature a new traffic signal. Sidewalk, curb, drainage, lighting, and paving improvements, along with landscaping, signage and striping improvements will be installed. Work is expected to begin in May and continue through the end of 2024.

    Prospect Street Sewer Project: in order for the sewer project to get started, four trees along Prospect Street between Liberty Street and St. James Street will be removed on Monday and Tuesday.

     Post Office Park: work began on the Dederick St. side of Prince St. Crews will begin excavation on the Dallas Hot Weiner side of Prince Street next.

    Central Hudson will start gas line replacement construction in April.



    Week of March 18, 2024

    Clinton Avenue Transportation Improvements Project: Tree removals on Clinton Avenue between Albany Avenue and John Street are planned for March 18 and 19. Flagger operation will be in place; one-way operation and sidewalk closures with pedestrian detours will be in place during work. Drivers and pedestrians are encouraged to seek alternate routes. Delays are expected. On-street parking on Clinton Avenue will be restricted. Alternate routes utilizing I-587 to bypass the work area are suggested. Road closure is not planned but delays are likely.

    As a part of the Clinton Avenue Transportation Improvements Project, eight new trees will be planted. 

    ADA Curb Ramps: the installation of 32 curb ramps from the 2023 project will resume in April. Mobilization is expected for April 1, with construction beginning on April 8 with ramp installation on Main Street. In addition to the completion of the 2023 ADA ramps project, there will be 50+ additional ramps installed with the 2024 ramps project. 

    Central Hudson will start gas line replacement construction in April.