Press Release
May 05, 2015
Contact: Margie Menard, Library Director
Phone: 845-339-4260 X14
Email: [email protected]
For Immediate Release
On Thursday May 21st at 6:00 pm in the community room of the Kingston Library at 55 Franklin Street, Kingston Library will hold a public forum on its June 2nd budget vote and trustee election. At the public forum, the library's operations, long range plan, proposed 2016 tax appropriation, and overall 2016 budget will be reviewed.
At the June 2nd election, voters will be electing three Trustees to the 9 member Kingston Library Board of Trustees. The candidates running for those seats will be invited to the public forum to introduce themselves and discuss their candidacy. The candidates on the ballot are incumbent Trustee David Rolfe and former Trustee Philippe Cosme.
The June 2nd library election will be held from 10 a.m. to 8 p.m. at Kingston Library, 55 Franklin Street which is the sole polling place for voting. Absentee ballots will be sent to shut-ins in the city of Kingston or can be requested by contacting the library directly at 845-331-0507. Absentee ballots must be returned to the library by 5:00 June 2nd, 2015. All registered voters living in the City of Kingston are eligible to vote.
The purpose of the library budget vote and trustee election is to seek approval of a tax appropriation of $775,606 to support the operation of Kingston Library in 2016 and to elect 3 trustees, each for a term of three years. The $775,606 tax appropriation request is an increase of $15,207 over the 2015 appropriation or a 2% increase. In 2014, Kingston Library extended it’s operating hours to better serve the community resulting in increased staffing and utility costs. The total proposed budget for 2016 is $844,237. This is $15,977 or 2% more than the current, total 2015 budget.
For further information about the library election, call Margie Menard at 845-339-4260 X14