August 9, 2016
Mayor Steve Noble Plans Budget Forum
Thursday, August 18th at 6:00pm
(Kingston, N.Y.) Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce a community forum regarding the City of Kingston’s budget process. The forum will take place on Thursday, August 18th at 6:00pm at City Hall.
The evening will begin with opening remarks from Mayor Noble, followed by an overview of the City budget, led by City Comptroller John Tuey. Following this presentation, participants will be invited to break out into small work groups where they will review the budget in greater detail, with the primary goal of discussing the opportunities and challenges ahead.
Leadership from the various City departments will also be participating throughout the evening. Questions, suggestions and general comments will be gathered by city staff and used during the budget planning process.
“I am looking to the public as a partner in our efforts to navigate the challenging issues ahead,” said Mayor Noble. “This budget forum is really just the beginning of a long term process to better inform the community of the opportunities and obstacles we have to address. I hope our residents, business owners and other stakeholders join us next Thursday to launch this effort.”