April 20, 2017
City of Kingston awarded over $1.3 million for Midtown ‘Safe Routes to School’ Project
Bicycle and Pedestrian amenities and Improved Accessibility set for Henry St.
(Kingston, N.Y.) Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the City of Kingston has been awarded $1,348,524 from the New York State Department of Transportation to support its Safe Routes to School project, which includes improvements to pedestrian and bicycle amenities along the entire length of Henry St., from Wall St. to Broadway. “I am incredibly excited to move this important project forward,” said Mayor Noble. “The George Washington Elementary School student body has the highest percentage of walkers in the district and this funding will enable us to provide the infrastructure necessary to make Henry St. safer for the many children who walk and bike to school. This project will dovetail seamlessly with our upcoming Broadway Streetscape Project, allowing the City to invest millions of dollars into Midtown’s transportation infrastructure.”
The proposal, which was submitted in October 2016, will provide the City with up to 80% of the funds necessary to conduct the project’s preliminary and final design, as well as construction. The project will include sidewalk reconstruction, bicycle infrastructure installation, high visibility crosswalk installation, and covered bicycle parking installation at the school. In addition, ADA accessible ramps will be installed at all corners of each intersection that currently lack them.
Learn more about the grant announcement here: https://www.governor.ny.gov/news/governor-cuomo-announces-1122-million-funding-support-transportation-enhancements-across-new
Learn more about Kingston’s current and upcoming transportation projects here: www.kingston-ny.gov/KingstonOnTheMove