September 21, 2017
City of Kingston to host public forum on proposed zoning updates on Thursday, September 28th at 6:00pm
Kingston, N.Y. Mayor Steve Noble and the Comprehensive Plan Zoning Sub-Committee are pleased to announce an upcoming public forum to be held on Thursday, September 28th at 6:00pm at City Hall, located at 420 Broadway. This will be one in a series of forums regarding the ongoing effort to update the City of Kingston’s zoning.
The theme for this month’s public forum will be “Consolidation and Reformatting of Residential Districts and Bulk Standards.” There will be a presentation at the beginning of the session that discusses the current code, why this topic is important and what has been discussed by the Zoning Sub-Committee so far regarding potential changes. Participants will then be invited to break up into smaller groups where citizens can provide comments and ask questions. Each group will be facilitated by a City staff member.
The next forum in the series is scheduled for Tuesday, October 17th at 6:00pm. The focus of that forum will be on the roles of the Historic Landmarks Preservation Commission, the Heritage Area Commission, and the Planning Board. A third forum will be scheduled in November and will focus on Form Based Codes and Overlay Districts.
Starting in early 2018, a series of meetings will be held by the Mayor in order to more thoroughly discuss topics of interest, many of which may require additional educational presentations, case studies from other places, etc. These would include but are not limited to: affordable housing; urban agriculture; parking requirements/waiver; etc.
For more information, contact Suzanne Cahill, Planning Director, at [email protected] or at 845-334- 3957.