September 25, 2017
Stephan Knox
Office of Community Development
[email protected]
The City of Kingston has Community Development Block Grant funding available to assist low or moderate income, single family homeowners make repairs to their homes. The Residential Rehabilitation Program aims to make communities better by improving the housing stock, making essential repairs, and correcting basic structural deficiencies that present health and safety hazards.
“The Residential Rehabilitation Program is a key component of our efforts to assist local families in accessing and maintaining safe, quality housing,” said Mayor Steve Noble. “I encourage homeowners in need of this assistance to contact our Office of Economic and Community Development immediately to identify whether they are eligible for this program.”
Up to $25,000 in rehabilitation funding will be provided to eligible homeowners in the form of a 10 year, forgivable, interest-free loan. Homeowners do not have to pay back the loan, provided they remain within their home for 10 years following the rehabilitation project. Eligible households will have income at or below 80% of the area median income, which is currently $62,800 for a family of four and adjusted based on the actual number of household occupants. Eligible properties must be located within the City of Kingston limits and the property must be the homeowner’s primary residence.
Items which may be addressed during rehabilitation include: correcting code violations; radon mitigation; asbestos and lead paint hazards mitigation; porches; window replacement; water heaters; water and sewer connections; accessibility improvements; repairs to or replacement of roofs or heating systems; and other eligible repairs.
The City is also looking for fully insured contractors to perform the construction work for these projects. Contractors must complete a contractor`s qualification form and meet basic criteria to be placed on the City`s bid list for residential rehab projects.
Interested City of Kingston property owners and contractors should contact Steve Knox at the Office of Economic and Community Development for more information at (845) 334-3928 or [email protected]. Applications may be obtained at the Office of Economic and Community Development in City Hall, located at 420 Broadway, or online by clicking here.