Update as of January 5, 2018 at 10:00am:
Please be advised that the snow emergency and related parking restrictions will remain in effect until 3:00 pm. Until that time, vehicles may only be parked on the ODD side of the street or in an off-street location.
Vehicles not in compliance are subject to being ticketed or towed. For individuals who believe they were wrongly issued a parking ticket, the City of Kingston does have an appeals process. You can begin this process at: https://www.parkingticketpayment.com/kingston/ . If you do not have internet access, you may come to City Hall, located at 420 Broadway, and use the kiosk located in the Comptroller’s Office. If needed, staff are available to assist you.
Please note that while the alternate side of the street parking option is new, it replaces a long-standing policy in which vehicles were prohibited from parking on any side of the street.
Please be aware that municipal lots may be posted today and/or over the weekend and temporarily closed in order for DPW to clear them.
Your cooperation during snow emergencies is both greatly appreciated and necessary in order for us to be successful in our joint efforts of ensuring safety and accessibility on our City streets.
January 4, 2018:
The City of Kingston has declared a Snow Emergency beginning 1:00pm on Thursday, January 4, 2018. Parking restrictions will go into effect at 3:00pm. Beginning at 3:00pm, vehicles may only be parked on the even side of the street, which means the side of the street where there are even house numbers. On Friday, January 5, 2018 at 7:00am, vehicles must be moved to the odd side of the street which means the side of the street where there are odd house numbers. Vehicles not in compliance with these parking restrictions may be ticketed and towed.
Reminder: All snow emergencies and related parking restrictions are in effect for at least two days, in order for the Department of Public Works to clear both sides of the street. You must adhere to these parking restrictions and move your vehicle, regardless of whether or not the weather has improved or the street looks clear.
Citibus services have been suspended for January 4th, beginning at 12:30pm. Trash will be picked up as scheduled.
Snow Emergency Routes will be maintained as priorities for plowing throughout the storm.
View the Snow Emergency Special Newsletter here.
For additional information, visit www.kingston-ny.gov. Thank you for your anticipated cooperation.