February 2, 2018
City of Kingston Releases Request for Proposals for 615 Broadway
Kingston, N.Y. Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the release of a Request for Proposals (RFP) for the city-owned parcel known as “Broadway Commons,” located at 615 Broadway, SBL# 56.109-3-16.
As described in the Request for Proposals, the City of Kingston is seeking responses from qualified developers to design, construct and operate a mixed use development at Broadway Commons. In particular, the City is interested in a mix of housing units and/or appropriate commercial and retail space, with the inclusion of public greenspace or a public square. Proposals should align with the City’s Comprehensive Plan and should clearly demonstrate that the City and public will benefit from the projects proposed.
“Since 2016, we have made great progress in establishing Broadway Commons as a shared community space, holding the official launch party for the Midtown Arts District, partnering with the Bruderhof and UPAC to host a Community Celebration Day, and honoring the late Pauline Oliveros by naming the front greenspace of the property the Deep Listening Plaza,” said Mayor Noble. “These activities have helped bring a renewed sense of interest and hope for this property. I believe that we now have an opportunity to attract a skilled developer capable of creating a new and exciting addition to our community.”
Inquiries related to this RFP must be submitted utilizing the form included in the RFP. These questions will be accepted until Tuesday, February 13, 2018 at 4:00pm. A Developers’ Conference has been scheduled for February 16, 2018 at 11:00am at 615 Broadway. The RFP is due to the Purchasing Office at City Hall on March 8, 2018 at 11:00am.
The RFP can be found at: www.kingston-ny.gov/purchasing.