Snow Removal Schedule
The City of Kingston Department of Public Works, with support from the New York State Department of Transportation, will be removing snow during the following dates and times:
- On Friday, March 9th, from 7:00am-3:00pm, crews will remove snow along Lower Broadway.
- On Friday evening at 9:00pm through Saturday (March 10th) morning at 10:00am, crews will be removing snow along the Broadway Corridor.
Temporary parking restrictions will be in effect and signage will be posted.
Snow Emergency Update as of 3/8/2018 at 11:00am
- At 1:00pm today, the snow emergency and parking restrictions will be lifted and vehicles can be parked on either side of the street.
- Municipal lots may be temporarily closed in order to be cleared. Signage will be posted 24 hours in advance if a municipal lot is scheduled to be closed.
- Snow removal will be taking place on Friday, March 9th and Saturday, March 10th. Snow removal locations will focus on the Broadway Corridor and parking restrictions will be in effect. Please pay attention to posted signage.
- Refuse and recycling originally scheduled for pick up today will instead be collected on Friday.
- Bus services are running on a regular schedule.
- Central Hudson is working to restore power and has announced that dry ice and bottled water will be distributed at the Kingston Plaza (near Hannaford) beginning at 12:30pm
- Due to tree and power line damage in and around Hasbrouck Park, the Maple Sugaring workshop scheduled for this Saturday has been cancelled. In addition, the park will be temporarily closed to the public until such time that it is safe to enter.
In preparation of the significant snow accumulation forecasted for our region, the City of Kingston has declared a Snow Emergency beginning on Wednesday, March 7, 2018, starting at 7:00am. Parking restrictions will go into effect at 9:00am. Beginning at 9:00am, vehicles may only be parked on the odd side of the street, which means the side of the street where there are odd house numbers. Vehicles not in compliance with these parking restrictions may be ticketed and towed.
Snow Emergency Routes will be maintained as priorities for plowing throughout the storm.
Refuse and recycling are expected to be picked up as scheduled as long as conditions allow. Citibus services have been suspended for Wednesday, March 7, 2018 beginning at 6:30am.
On Thursday, March 8, 2018 at 7:00am, vehicles must be moved to the even side of the street, which means the side of the street where there are even house numbers.