Mayor Noble was excited to welcome Governor Andrew Cuomo to Kingston on Monday for a special announcement regarding the City's Downtown Revitalization Initiative in the Stockade District. Governor Cuomo announced funding for six priority projects, totaling $9.7 million, including:
Schwenk Drive Complete Street Redesign:
Reconfiguration of Schwenk Drive between Washington Avenue and Fair Street into a complete street to create a desirable, walkable, pedestrian-friendly connection through the Stockade Business District, and eventually the Kingston Greenline trail system. Work will include lane reconfiguration, intersection upgrades and ADA improvements, creation of new two-way protected bicycle lanes, and creation of a new parking lane. ($987,102)
Upgrade Dietz Stadium and Andretta Pool, a 2,000-seat facility that serves as a major venue for organized sports both locally and regionally. Improvements will be made to bleachers, water fountains, fencing and gates, lighting, bike racks, lockers rooms and bathrooms, food vending, signage, and parking. Additional upgrades will be made to the Andretta Pool and picnic facility, located across from Dietz Stadium. ($2,500,000)
Frog Alley Park Historic Green Space:
Stabilize the remnants of the historic Louw-Bogardus House and create a public open space along Frog Alley next to the ruins which will serve as a gateway to the Stockade Business District. The Friends of Historic Kingston will open the site to the public after stabilizing the ruin and adding interpretive signage, paving, lighting and park amenities. ($472,500)
Stockade Business District Access and Circulation Improvements:
Improvement of pedestrian access, traffic circulation, and wayfinding signage within the Stockade Business District, including improvements to the intersection of Albany and Clinton Avenues. Key upgrades identified in previous transportation plans will improve safety and navigability while attracting tourism, shopping, dining and business activity to the area. ($1,340,398)
Kingstonian Development Public Plaza and Pedestrian Bridge:
Provide for public amenities within the new $48 million Kingstonian mixed-use development that will transform a largely underutilized site at a prominent intersection by adding 132 residential units; 8,500 square feet of commercial space expected to include a mix of restaurants and retail shops; a 34-room hotel; and a 420-space parking garage with 250 spaces dedicated for public use. DRI funds will provide public amenities within the development to enhance its value to the community, including a pedestrian plaza with a walking bridge extending to Kingston Plaza. ($3,800,000)
Stockade Business District Small Grants and Loans Program: Support downtown small businesses and property owners by offering financial assistance in the form of small grants and loans for targeted improvements throughout the downtown, including façade improvements for buildings in the Stockade Business District; support for new and expanding businesses; and rehabilitation of downtown residential properties. ($600,000)