Kingston to Host Public Workshop on Open Space Plan
City seeks input on future open space, parks, and other recreational areas
The City of Kingston is embarking on a planning effort to develop an Open Space Plan, with assistance and guidance from community members. This plan is intended to identify strategies to preserve, protect and enhance existing natural areas; protect water quality and natural habitats; create and enhance access to local parks, historic and cultural resources; and promote more sustainable development. As a first step in this process, community members are encouraged to participate in an interactive public workshop, which will be held on Tuesday, September 25th, between 5 p.m. and 8 p.m. at the Kingston Public Library, 55 Franklin Street.
This interactive public workshop will be used to introduce the project to members of the public, review the mapping of the recently completed Natural Resource Inventory, and participate in various discussion groups. Local residents, business and property owners are invited to attend and participate in the discussion. Topics are anticipated to include: natural, cultural and historic resources within the city; conservation priorities, land conservation strategies; potentially new or enhanced recreation areas; parks, playgrounds and trails; urban agriculture; and the preservation of water quality and natural habitats.
“Community engagement is key to any planning effort within this city,” said Julie Noble, Environmental Education and Sustainability Coordinator for the City of Kingston. “This workshop will go beyond public awareness by truly bringing in community members, landowners, and those interested in the future of Kingston’s land use, to work together to ensure we all move forward with the community’s best interest in mind. I look forward to hearing from participants about their thoughts and priorities regarding Kingston’s open space.”
This current planning effort is building upon the findings of the Natural Resource Inventory (NRI) and Open Space Index (OSI), which were completed by the City earlier this year resulting in a comprehensive mapping of all natural and cultural resources within the city. The Open Space Plan is intended to utilize this mapping data to have an informed public discussion about areas of the city which should be preserved, and how to best protect local resources. Public input from the workshop will be used to develop draft recommendations. A second public meeting will be scheduled for later in the year to review and discuss the draft plan recommendations.
This planning effort is being guided by the Kingston Conservation Advisory Council, with the assistance of planning consultants Behan Planning and Design of Saratoga Springs, NY and in partnership with the Kingston Land Trust. Members of the consultant team, as well as City staff and Kingston Conservation Advisory Council members working on the planning of this effort, will be in attendance to present materials and facilitate the discussion. Funding for this project has been provided by the New York State Department of Environmental Conservation, Hudson River Estuary Program.
For more information about this event, contact Julie Noble, Environmental Education and Sustainability Coordinator, at (845)-481-7339 or [email protected].
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