December 18, 2018
KINGSTON, N.Y. – Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the City of Kingston has been awarded four grants from the New York State Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) for a total of $2,632,752.
“I want to thank Governor Cuomo and the Regional Economic Development Council for continuing to support the City of Kingston,” said Mayor Noble. “As a Downtown Revitalization Initiative community, we are a growing economic engine for the Mid-Hudson Region. We will keep moving forward to ensure the people of our community have access to safe infrastructure, a clean environment, and an improved quality of life. These generous grants help us achieve those goals.”
“I also want to thank my staff who worked together to develop highly competitive and thoughtful proposals that have will positively impact the lives of Kingston residents for years to come.”
Today the Regional Economic Development Council presented CFA Awards to the City of Kingston for the following four projects:
Hasbrouck Combined Sewer Overflow Improvements Phase 1 ($600,000)
From the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Water Quality Improvement Program
The City of Kingston will implement Phase I of their phased plan to separate street run-off from sewer collection in the public wastewater system. The project will reduce the Hasbrouck combined sewer overflows of untreated sewage into Rondout Creek, a tributary to the Hudson River, during storm events. This will also decrease stress on the City’s waste water treatment plant and improve water quality of the waterways.
Midtown Parking Lots Green Infrastructure Upgrades ($1,200,000)
From the NYS Environmental Facilities Corporation Green Infrastructure Grant Program
The City of Kingston will use grant funds to retrofit several parking lots with green infrastructure, incorporating porous pavement, bioswales, tree pits, electric car charging stations, and bicycle parking and fix-it stations. Street storm water run-off will be directed into the green infrastructure elements and remove water from entering the combined sewer system, which could otherwise overflow with untreated sewage into the rivers during storm events.
Kingston Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan ($60,000)
From the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Climate Smart Communities Program
The City of Kingston will prepare a Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan to improve conditions for non-motorized travelers throughout the City and on key roads and pathways in and out of the City. The plan will inventory existing conditions for pedestrians and bicyclists and develop a realistic and actionable recommended set of prioritized improvements over the next ten years. It will complete Kingston’s ADA transition plan and create a vision for a cohesive walking and biking network that connects neighborhoods, businesses, the Kingston Greenline, and the Empire State Trail.
Flatbush and Foxhall Midtown Connections ($772,752)
From the NYS Department of Environmental Conservation Climate Smart Communities Program
The City of Kingston will design and construct sidewalk facilities along on the north side of Flatbush Avenue from Colonial Drive to Foxhall Avenue and on a portion of Foxhall Avenue. The project addresses the lack of adequate sidewalks and railroad crossings on these roads and will better connect the surrounding neighborhoods to commercial centers. It will include sidewalks, railroad crossing facilities with pedestrian waiting stations, crosswalks, and street trees. The City awaits the announcements for its complementary application to the NYSDOT Transportation Alternatives Program (TAP) this year for the same project. The TAP funding would assist the City to meet match funding for this grant and increase the length of the project.
The Mayor also congratulates the local organizations in our community on their success with CFA Awards today, including the Center for Creative Education, the Hudson River Maritime Museum, North Street Brick Works (Hutton Brick Yards), and RUPCO, Inc.
“Each of these organization’s grants will help them bring something unique to the Kingston community, and each fuels the City’s forward progress,” said Noble. “We also congratulate our neighbor, the Town of Esopus, which received a waterfront revitalization award. We look forward to being a partner in the development of this plan to beautify our area.”