April 4, 2019
Department of Public Works Releases 2018 Annual Report
KINGSTON, NY – Mayor Steve Noble and the City of Kingston’s Department of Public Works Superintendent Edward Norman have released the department’s Annual Report for 2018. Every year, each of the nine divisions within the Department of Public Works: Admin, Safety, Street, Sewer Maintenance, Sanitation, Waste Water Treatment, Citibus, Fleet Maintenance, and Park Maintenance, work together to provide a safe and healthful environment for all residents and visitors of our City. This year’s report includes an overview of the many accomplishments in 2018, and outlines the Department’s projects and goals for 2019.
“The City could not run without the hard work of the men and women of DPW,” said Mayor Steve Noble. “I want to thank Ed Norman and Ryan Coon for joining our team in 2018, and leading this department in both large-scale projects and the day-to-day work. They have both done a tremendous job, as well as their entire team. I look forward to seeing what they can accomplish in the coming year.”
In 2019, DPW has been facilitating the major transition from single-stream recycling to a dual-stream process across the City. The administrative office has begun addressing calls and work orders via the newly launched 311 system. By utilizing 311 and creating work orders in the QAlert System, the Department hopes to better serve concerns and issues. DPW staff can quickly enter a service request, have instant access to an internal knowledge base that enables staff to answer questions and log calls in seconds, view request data on a map, and send automated text, call, or email notifications to citizens when the issue is resolved.
“I want to thank the entire DPW staff for their tireless work last year and for their ongoing dedication,” said DPW Superintendent Ed Norman. “These men and women face challenges in their difficult jobs nearly every day, and their commitment to serving and bettering the City of Kingston should be commended.”
Other projects for 2019 include continuing the citywide LED Streetlight Conversion Project, the Greenkill Avenue and Jacob’s Valley Storm and Sewer Replacement Projects, and multiple sanitary sewer main repairs to rehabilitate the aging sewer infrastructure and help prevent future infiltration of storm water, sand and debris from entering the treated sanitary system. Public Works anticipates paving approximately 15 streets in 2019. This will include milling and paving as well as ADA compliant corners.
Link to 2018 DPW Annual Report