April 22, 2019
The City of Kingston’s Environmental Program Releases
2018 Sustainability Report
Announces Earth Fair will be held May 11, 2019
KINGSTON, NY – On Earth Day, Mayor Steve Noble is pleased to announce the release of the City of Kingston’s 2018 Sustainability Report. The latest report provides an overview of active grants, educational experiences and programming, and public outreach efforts. This annual report outlines progress in: Energy and Renewables (Climate Smart Community, greening our streetlights and municipal building lights); Land Use (green infrastructure, cultivating street trees); Transportation (Kingston on the Move, Kingston Greenline and Green fleet electric cars); Adaptation and Resiliency (waterfront projects); and Recycling/Waste Management.
The report also includes collaborations with community groups and City-sponsored boards and commissions including the Conservation Advisory Council, Climate Smart Kingston Commission, Friends of Forsyth Nature Center, and Climate Mayors.
“We continue to make great strides in our efforts to build a sustainable, resilient community and this report shows the impressive progress and many accomplishments of last year,” said Mayor Noble. “The sustainability staff is managing more than 15 grants for over $800,000 in an effort to bring sustainability to every aspect of our community. I want to thank the staff, Julie Noble, KC Keegan-Twombly and Sean Koester, for their diligence and dedication to bettering our community.”
“Sustainability means different things to different communities,” said Environmental Education and Sustainability Coordinator Julie Noble “To Kingston it means making sure that every project, every program serves the community and the environment with an eye to the future. We are happy to be a leader in environmental stewardship and awareness in the Hudson Valley. For Kingston, Earth Day extends all year long.”
Mayor Noble is also pleased to announce today the Kingston Earth Fair on May 11, 2019. The 7th annual event will be held from 10am-4pm in Forsyth Park. This free event features a variety of sustainability and green initiatives and resources for the community, and will include food, music, electric vehicles, bike rides and more. Free shredding will be provided by AARP from 10am-2pm or until full (limit three grocery bags per person). UCRRA will provide free electronic recycling. For a full list of what can be recycled visit
For more information, including performances and a list of sponsors, visit:
Sustainability Report: