May 7, 2019
To be Held at City Hall on May 13, 2019
KINGSTON, NY -- The Common Council is hosting a city-wide Traffic Safety Forum on Monday, May 13 at 6:30pm in Council Chambers at City Hall.
In order for the Common Council to take a comprehensive approach to addressing ongoing transportation and traffic safety issues affecting the city, the Traffic Safety Forum will provide an opportunity for Kingston residents to ask questions pertaining to traffic safety, to hear about upcoming projects, and to learn how the City approaches residents’ concerns. Representatives from the City of Kingston’s Department of Public Works, Ulster County’s Transportation Council and the Kingston Police Department as well as members of the Common Council will be present to discuss traffic calming devices, street design, and other matters that affect traffic safety.
“Traffic safety is one of our top priorities. For too long we have approached it in a piecemeal fashion,” said Alderman Reynolds Scott-Childress, W-3. “The Common Council is determined to develop clear and effective solutions to the particular concerns of our historic City.”
“The Common Council regularly hears from constituents throughout the City about the safety of specific streets,” said Alderwoman Andrea Shaut, W-9. “Our thought with the Traffic Safety Forum is to look at the big picture, because fixes are not one-size-fits-all. For example, a stop sign may work in one location, but actually makes safety worse in another. By putting folks from various departments in one room to discuss, we believe we can start to tackle a comprehensive approach.”