Waterfront Flooding Task Force

Contact Information
Julie Noble
Climate Smart Kingston Chair
420 Broadway, Kingston
(845) 481-7339
j[email protected]
Waterfront Flooding Task Force Overview
The Kingston Waterfront Flooding Task Force was appointed by Mayor Shayne Gallo in the fall of 2012, and was charged with evaluating the present and future vulnerability to flooding, storm surge and sea-level rise along the Rondout-Hudson waterfront, and was asked to recommend strategies for a resilient waterfront. This Task Force convened from December 2012 through August 2013.
Task Force Members
Full documentation, including meeting proceedings, key resources, documentation, presentations and media coverage can be found within the Resources Tabs at the top right of this page. Also, find a spotlight on Kingston's initiative under the NYS DEC's Hudson River Climate Resilience Case Studies: Kingston.
Council Adopts Recommendations of Flooding Task Force
On November 12, 2013, the City of Kingston Common Council passed Resolution #200 of 2013, adopting the Final Report of the Flooding Task Force.
Planning for Rising Waters: Final Report of the City of Kingston Tidal Waterfront Flooding Task Force
Overview of Recommendations
The City also adopted the Comprehensive Emergency Management Plan, a recommendation of the report.