Meet the Council:
Voting Members

Paul Stankus, Chair, Voting Member
Paul Stankus is a recent transplant to Kingston (2021) and the wider Hudson Valley who is interested in making the streets of Kingston safe and welcoming to users of all modes of transportation. He has traveled widely and lived in cities of all sizes and hopes to help to make Kingston a blend of all of the best street design ideas that he has experienced. Paul knows that when the entire population of the city is comfortable using its streets, it will be a great step toward being a more equitable and safe place for all. He is impressed with the steps taken so far by the City and CSAC and hopes to be a part of the next great strides that the City will take in this area. Paul can be seen regularly walking and biking around Kingston.

Ella Ray Kondrat, Vice Chair, Voting Member
Ella Ray Kondrat is a safe streets and sustainable transportation enthusiast, when she's not playing music or working as a speech therapist. Working in the field of mobility management years ago opened her eyes to the gaping holes in our car-centric transportation system - holes which disabled, poor, elderly and young people - and everyone else! - regularly fall into. She writes a blog called "Sweeten the Streets" with the mission of supporting the local transport conversation, stopping car deaths, and improving mobility for all.

Brian Slack, UCTC Transportation Planner; Voting Member
Mr. Slack received a Masters in Urban and Regional Planning from the University at Buffalo in 2003 and began working as a professional planner in Rochester NY shortly thereafter. In 2011 he moved to Ulster County to begin working as a transportation planner for the Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) and Ulster County Planning Department. In his role as Principal Transportation Planner for the UCTC, Brian focuses on all elements of the transportation planning process, including bike, pedestrian, highway, safety, and transit planning as well as state and federal rules governing use of the transportation system and federal aid. Brian lives in the City of Kingston with his two children and walks and bikes to work whenever possible.
Ezra Lynn, Voting Member
Ezra Lynn is a Kingston resident of over 15 years with a passion for improving transit equity and implementing complete streets policy in their community. Ezra lives in midtown Kingston with their partner, both of whom rely solely on bicycling and public transit. Ezra grew up in a low-income household without a car and knows firsthand the undue burden that car-dependent and inequitable infrastructure and transit policy place on the most marginalized members of our community and our most vulnerable road users. Ezra's passion has been reinforced by their experience as a person with a physical disability, furthering their drive to ensure those in our community who can't, or simply don't wish to own or use a car are equally prioritized and respected in policy decisions, in our streets, and in our infrastructure.
Claudette Ford, Voting Member
Gustavo Saume, Voting Member
EJ Michel, Voting Member
Non-voting Members

Robert Dennison III, PE, Common Council Liaison
Mr. Dennison, former New York State Department of Transportation (NYSDOT) Chief Engineer, leads VHB’s transportation planning and design engineering services in New York. Throughout his 35+ year career, Dennison has made a tremendous impact on shaping the future of transportation and infrastructure in New York. He has held positions of responsibility in Town, County and State governments and understands the internal operations of government. As Chief Engineer at NYSDOT, Dennison was responsible for New York State’s $1.6 billion annual capital construction program, bridge safety assurance of 17,000 publicly owned bridges, and management of the annual consultant program of $250 million.
Emily Flynn, Staff Support
Helen Atkinson, Conservation Advisory Council Liaison