The Complete Streets Advisory Council is tasked with advising the City on ways that Complete Streets principles can be applied to planning, design, and construction activities.
The following are links to find current and past transportation projects and other boards that also work to improve transportation safety in Kingston and Ulster County.
The Ulster County Transportation Council (UCTC) serves as a Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO) for the Kingston Urbanized area as well as a portion of the Poughkeepsie-Newburgh Urbanized Transportation Management Area (TMA).
The Traffic Safety Board shall advance traffic and transportation safety, including pedestrian and nonmotorized transport, through study, advocacy and public education in accord with the provisions of the New York State Vehicle and Traffic Law and local law and perform other duties that may be assigned to it by the County Executive and the Legislature.
Old CSAC Reports:
Complete Streets Reference Material:
For Complete Streets General Information, visit the following resources:
Complete Streets: Planning Safer Communities for Pedestrians and Bicyclists, by the Cornell Local Roads Program NY LTAP Center
Many Routes to Complete Streets, by David Gilmour, AICP
Project presentation to the Common Council's Public Safety/Audit Committee in summer 2010
A Resident’s Guide for Creating Safe and Walkable Communities, 2009, by the Federal Highway Administration
Articles and videos regarding equity:
The uncomfortable facts about biking and minorities
Bike lanes, anti-blackness and gentrification webinar
What it’s like living low-vision and car-free in the US - video
Why do so many disabled people cycle in Cambridge?
Who cycles in the Netherlands? Everyone!
Bike safety
Kingston Bike Score
Bike safety and the hierarchy of controls
Complete streets
What are complete streets?
NACTO urban street design guide