The City of Kingston and the Mayor’s Office can help your production company to:
-Access civic services
-Get film activity permits and other related permits suited to your production's specific needs
-Approve location requests to film on streets, parks, or other City properties in ways that respect our residents and businesses
Application for a City of Kingston Filming Permit
In order to help our staff learn more about your project, and best determine which services your production will require, please submit an application using our fillable form. Submitting an application for a Filming Permit is free, as not all projects will require a Filming Permit. The scope of City services required for your project will determine the cost of the Filming Permit. Your filming application will be reviewed by appropriate City of Kingston staff, and a quote will be provided prior to permitting.
The City of Kingston requires 30 days’ notice for any and all film or photography shoots. Any filming or photography that is conducted in the public way without prior approval may be halted.
Please submit your form via our website, and send any supporting documents via email to [email protected].
Application Tips
-Include as much detailed information as possible. Information that is not finalized is still helpful and can be marked "TBD".
-Consider providing a production schedule and information on your production company.
-Please review addresses and ensure that your locations are in the City of Kingston’s jurisdiction by using this map.
-Note any local businesses your production will be hiring.
-Be sure to include a detailed safety plan.
Download Application
Listing files in 'Filming Application'
Additional Resources
Ulster County Film Office
Hudson Valley Film Commission
Stockade Works